I am so grounded

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So after my first fight with Vulture was not so great since he grabbed me in the air.

So after my first fight with Vulture was not so great since he grabbed me in the air

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And then he threw me

Luckliy had a parachute

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Luckliy had a parachute.

After the whole incedent with the ship,Mom had called me and said to quit trying to find these guys. That i would make their crime worst if i tried to stop them.

Me being the rebellious teen that i'am ignored her and now i ended up here

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Me being the rebellious teen that i'am ignored her and now i ended up here. On a plane about to crash.

 On a plane about to crash

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Don't worry i can save it. I can do it. Trust me. I'm going to be in so much trouble for this.

 I'm going to be in so much trouble for this

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I'am so grounded. But at least i saved the plane and stopped Vulture even though he beat me up a bit and broke a few of my ribs,but i still beat him and put him in jail.

-Parker Romanoff Signing off

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