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Everyone i need to leave you all...
I just can't take the guilt and pain of killing...

....I broke my rule.....and i can't take it.....i need to leave you all....

Don't try and find me....please leave me alone.....

I'm leaving my suits......i...i.won't need them.....

I will be taking one that i tracker in it...nothing so no one can find me...

nothing so no one can find me

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I....i...just want...everyone to stay away.....please....i'm a monster....

I...i broke my promise to he's gone....i promised that i would never kill...

I....became the monster......the monster that they wanted my birth father wanted me to become......

I can't take it....i...i..need to leave before i hurt anyone else......before i kill them by accident....

Please.....don't look for me....i love you all.....and this...this the only choice i can make else is hurt cause of me......i hurt so many people already....Gwen...i failed to save her....i hurt Flash......i...lost my friend Toxin....

I...i...just...need to...stay away from everyone....please.....everyone leave me alone....don't look for a monster like me.......

*Puts suit on and swings out of the bedroom window. Swings to a building and writes a message in a web*

"People of New york. Your sorry excuse for a hero will no longer be around.Spider-Man. Is. No. More"

*swings away and lands in an alley way and changes into a hoodie,jeans,and sneakers and covers face with the hood so one can find me and see my face* the best....
*puts headphones on to listen to music as People had seen the message and had started to take photos*

-Parker Romanoff Signing off

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