Beaten up

250 14 198

*Flash and his gang surround Peter*

Flash:"Don't try and run Romanoff"

Why would i....Gorilla face. You need a gang just to fight me.....are you scared of me...little Peter. Are you scared Eugene?.*smirks a bit and walks off as Flash runs in and tried to punch him only to be flipped over*

Flash:*gets back up*"Get him boys!!"
*Flash's gang run at Peter and try to punch him only to have Peter dodged all their attacks and knock them all to the ground*

Ok....stop this is now*Eveyone looks at Peter with fear ad he slowly backs up and gets hit in the back by on the bullies* S....

Flash:*Smirkd and kicks Peter hard*"Not so tough,huh you little Bastard!!"

*The bullies each pin Peter to the ground and punch and kick him hard and then throw him to the ground as he spits blood*

Please just leave me alone....

Flash:*Punches Peter hard in the eye and grabs Peter's camera and breaks it and takes Peter's wallet and takes all the money form it and throws it at Peter*"Never mess with us again!! Come on boys lets leave the little bastard so he can run to his sorry excuse of a mom"

*the bullies walk off laughing as Peter gets up and holds his eye in pain,a bloody nose, has brusies on his face and arms,and a busted lip* there gorillas......

*puts hood up to hid face and walks home* god....please don't let mom see me like this.....

-Parker Romanoff Signing off

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