Being the Son of Black Widow

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Most people would think it's cool to live with the avengers. It is really,most of the time. For example my mom,she tracks my everymove. I think she started to do this after a KGB agent tried to kidnapp me when i was only four. She went full mama bear on that guy and of course i really didn't understand this at the time. She's a great mom don't get me wrong. She also takes me on missions,but stopped after the inccident at the grandprix in monaco. I was a bit mad because of this,but she told me it was for my own good and then she went to the stark expo. I was so mad that i followed her their. I still remember that i snuck into the stark expo and then the robots went haywire. One tried to shoot me,but Mr.Stark saved me(P.S. Mom put a tracker on me after that).

She also almost killed this woman named Yelena another member from the red room

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She also almost killed this woman named Yelena another member from the red room. Yelena kidnapped me and tortured me in order to get my mom alone to kill her. Her plan failed and mom beat her and Sheild arrested Yelena right after. Pretty much my mom is amazing.*Peter's door opens and Natasha walks in*"Peter time for dinner. What are you doing?".*Peter looks at her scared*Nothing just finishing homework.*Natasha walks up to the computer and sees what Peter had written and smiles*"Oh my little boy is proud of me"*She hugs Peter as he gets embaressed*Mom not in front of the readers.*Natasha smiles evily and takes out a picture of baby Peter in the bathtub*"Now it's time for me to get some revenge on you and cindy for making my hair pink"*Peter gains a scared look on his face*

-Parker Romanoff signing off. Mom please don't. I beg you please

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