Half Sibling debates

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So me and my half Sister Jess always have a debat on who the better spider sibling is. It's clearly me.

Jess:"No Your not"

Yes I am

I'm clearly the cooler spider sibling

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I'm clearly the cooler spider sibling.

Jess:"Yeah...No. I am the cooler Spider, Peter"

No your not Jessica. I am

Jess:"Didn't you wear a onsie before you got your suit?"*Jess smirks widely*

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Jess:"Didn't you wear a onsie before you got your suit?"*Jess smirks widely*

Jess:"Didn't you wear a onsie before you got your suit?"*Jess smirks widely*

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Didn't you blush and studder when Harry talked to you*Smirks*

Jess:*Webs Peter's mouth*

*Webs Jess' legs and pulls her down*

Jess:"Oh it's on Spider Boy!!"

*rips off the web from mouth* Bring it Tomato Face

*the two start shooting webs at eachother*

Both:I'm the better Spider!!

-Parker Romanoff Signing off

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