Wade's Random Stuff

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Deadpool:"Hello everyone. Wade Motherloving Wilson here to show you random stuff. Don't worry about the three year old spider...he's taking a nap....while tied in the bed"
*Wade points to 3yr old Peter tied to a bed*
Wade untie me!!

Deadpool:"Not till you take a nap"

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Deadpool:" Hey...i don't understand what you said. Any way here my random stuff to show"

Deadpool:"I used to watch the kid sleep and make sure he isn't to mess with him"

Deadpool:"I used to watch the kid sleep and make sure he isn't to mess with him"

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Deadpool:"i still watch him sleep"

Deadpool:" Time to go undercover"

Deadpool:"Darth Vader better watch out"

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Deadpool:"Darth Vader better watch out"

Deadpool:"Mover over Miley Cyrus. Their's a new singer in town"

 Their's a new singer in town"

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Deadpool:"I'll be number one"

Deadpool:"Here is some words to live by"

Deadpool:"Here is some words to live by"

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Deadpool:"Perfect words to follow"

*Peter struggles to escape*
Deadpool:"Now Spider boy settel down and i'll give you a cookie"

I don't want your cookie!!

Deadpool:"Oh well...Guess i'm gonna leave him like this"

Help me..he's crazy. He tied a three year old to a bed!! Send help!!

-Parker Romanoff Signing off

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