What have i done

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I...i just need a swing around the city...*puts suit on and webswings away*...i just need to clear my hea.....Spider sense tingling
*Peter is knocked into the ground and pinned down by a symbiote*

Spider sense tingling*Peter is knocked into the ground and pinned down by a symbiote*

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Crap..*Peter groaned in pain as the symbiote laughed*

Symbiote:"You should of given me the file when you had a chance"*the symbiote revealed his face to be Richard*

No...way...your a symbiote!!

*Richard laughed at this*
Richard:"I am no mere symbiote. I am a clone of your father created from your dna and Venom!! Created by the jackal to wipe you out!! I heard of the files and i wanted it in order to create my army!! I could spare you if you joined me and let me use your blood to create my serum!! Join me and i'll be your father. The one you always wanted"
*Peter kicked Richard off and punched him into a car*

I already have a father. His name is Logan.
*Richard growled at this as the symbiote covered his face and charged at Peter*

Richard:"Your mistake will cost you your life!! I shall tear you open to create my army!!"
*Peter quickly dodged Richard's attack and kicked him in the face only to have Richard grab his leg and throw him into a building*

*Richard then grabbed Peter by the throat causing Peter to struggle to breath*
Richard:"You shall die here!! Your death will be entertaing!!*Richard laughed as he was suddenly pushed back by a red mass that had shot out of Peter's wrist causing him to let go of Peter as the teen coughed and looked up to see the identity of the red mass*

No..Toxin!! Don't you know what will happen!!

Toxin:"Peter...i'm sorry. Thank you for beiliveing in me. For seeing me as a friend. For seeing me as a hero"*Toxin had slowly faded away as the symbiote Richard had started to smoke and evaporate as bits of symbiote burned off*

TOXIN!!!*Peter looks at Richard angrily and then procceds the punch and kick him with full force and pinning him to the ground as the symbiote complety deformed*

Richard:"You shall die!! You will be the monster you were meant to be!! Your friend was an idiot for thinking that you can be nothing more than a monster!"*Peter was quickly angered by this he used his talons and spike to tear Richard open and quickly realized what he had done*

Oh god...oh god...i..i..what have i...done..*Richard started to laugh at this as he was slowly turning into ash*

Richard:"Peter you are Dadddy's little monster''*Richard laughed as he turned into nothing more than dust as Peter cried hystarically*

I'm....i'm just....like him....i'm just like..him...Toxin....i'm sorry....*Peter swung back home and cried in his room* i'm....a...monster...*cries harder*

-Parker Romanoff Signing off

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