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Peter Parker Romanoff

Peter Parker Romanoff

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#1. Peter Parker Romanoff is the adopted son of Natasha Romanoff. He was adopted by her when he was only a month old after his birth family had died in a plane crash with him and his older brother Richie being the only survivors.

#2.He suffers from nightmares of the plane crash and the red room and Hydra going after him and killing his family and loved ones.

#3. He is treated as a kid by his mother and the rest of the Avengers and is told to not get involved in major life threatening battles.

#4. He was called a bastard by many bullies in his school since preschool for not having a father back then and has scars from when bullies attacked him and beat him up badly. He has scars on his right arm from when his birth father would experiment on him.

#5.He shows his emotions to everyone no matter who they are and doesn't care who sees it. He shows his emotions due to his fear of being seen as a monster,the very same one his birth father was trying to make.

#6.He offten looks for answers about his birth father's work and why he was experimented on by his father as a baby. This had later lead to the many mutations he goes through after he had gained his spider powers.

#7. He follows the words of his late Uncle Ben who had died in the plane crash with his birth parents. He knows that with Great Power,comes Great Responsibility

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