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a/n - this will switch from povs and i will label the pov as their drag name but when out of drag, the characters will address eachother as their male name. Also, when in drag the pronoun i'll probably use is 'she' hope you enjoy my loves!

Katya POV

"Brian." I said, calling for my best friend. "They want us out there." I could hear the crowd cheering.

"I'm coming argh!!" she shouts back. I hear her heels tapping against the floor from her dressing room.

I pull out my phone. We still have 10 minutes until we're expected on stage and there's not much preparation either so I guess i had a few minutes of privacy, of chilling. I scroll through my phone. Through twitter to be exact. I laugh at the tweets that i'm mentioned in. Damn, i have some funny followers.

"Okay i'm here!" i here Brian's voice call. I look up from my phone to see Trixie all dolled up.

"Oh Tracy, how much you've grown!" i cheer, walking towards Trixie. "I love your hair." I say, curling my finger around a loose wave in the purple wig she's decked up in.

"I would say i loved yours too but..." Trixie starts, chuckling. I roll my eyes and hit her lightly on her arm. "Have you decided what you're gonna start the show with?" She asks me. "I think i'm going to go straight in with our love life, you know? It's always funny and especially when we see them in real life - the looks on their faces!" she adds.

Our love life. I feel blood rush to my cheeks. "Love life? You mean our lack of love life." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Katya!" i hear a woman call for me. "Hi, i'm the tour manager. I was told by some that you'll be needing this." The un-named woman chuckles. She hands me a fan. I smile back. "Thank you very much Barbara." The woman laughs again. "It's Laura, but sure. And i was also told that you two," she points between Trixie and i, "are supposed to be heading on stage now."

"Our cue! Our 10 minutes of fame! Let's go!" Trix holds onto my wrist and pulls me towards the wings of the stage we were performing on tonight.

"Careful! Careful! I'm gonna fall oh my god." I cry, trying to keep up with her.

"Okay, so now that i'm getting off stage. I guess you guys need someone else to come up here don't you!" Alaska says from on stage. The audience scream and cheer. I hear someone start to chant for 'Trixya' and then the rest of the audience carry on. Alaska elongates her laugh and speaks again; "Well i guess you all already know who's coming up next but i'll introduce them anyway! It's Trixie and Katya!" She bellows into the microphone. The screams and shouts from the audience boost up my confidence as i walk on stage, looking shocked and staring at the audience, dumbfounded.

We begin the show.

After opening, introducing ourself, welcoming everyone to the event, Trixie starts with what will be the topic of conversation for the next 30 minutes.

I look at the table we were sitting behind to see a paper with what the event organisers would prefer us to talk about. And oh boy, this topic was listed about 5 different times, all worded slightly differently.

"How many of ya'll ship Trixya?" Trixie calls out to the audience. A group of unrecognisable screams flew back into our faces. I also put my hand up, receiving laughs.

"I, on one hand, definitely ship us. I mean Tracy and Barbara work together like Alaska and Shar- oh wait. I mean we work together like Brad and Angel- nope never mind." I joke.

Trixie screams in my face and I, of course, amazingly thworp.

"In all honestly, all jokes aside; i do love Katya. A lot. I'm glad i get to do all of this with my best friend." Trixie smiles, looking at me.

My heart flutters. Her eyes stare into mine. "That's very sweet." I smile back. We lean in and peck each others lips quickly. For us, this is normal. To be fair, us kissing so occasionally was probably normal for our fans also.

Everyone cheers.

My heart beats fast.

While the show carries on, i can't help but stare at Trixie. Don't get me wrong, i joked, i had fun, we laughed. But my eyes stayed on her the whole time. She looked back at me enough times to realise that i couldn't move my view from her. She winks.

"Thank you guys for coming out!" I shout, fanning myself.

Trixie grabs my hand and pulls me off stage. I know she does it on purpose. I know she shows more affection than usual when we're on stage; it brings attention to us. I'm not blaming her though, i do it too.

"Good show babe." Trixie smiles, hugging me. "Can we de-drag and then go eat please? I'm starving."

"Sure." I take off my heels, holding them in my hand as Trixie and I go to our dressing rooms. "Hey, i'm gonna come into yours, yeah? It's boring alone." I turn around to face her and start walking backwards as she follows me.

"Of course."

We go into her dressing room and i close the door behind us. "You know, that kiss was pretty unsatisfactory." I press my lips into a straight line and shrug.

"It was? I wasn't really trying.. it was only a peck." She takes out one earring, hiding a smile.

"Eh, yeah it seemed like you weren't trying - you're right." I bite the inside of my mouth.

"Oh yeah? It was really that bad?" She doesn't make eye contact with me. Her hands start to fumble around with her clothes. She pulls her tights down, pulling up some pants after.

"Yep." I deadpan. I start to un pin my wig. "It was pretty... dry." I smile.

"Okay." She walks up to me. "Dry?" She chuckles. Her tongue runs over both her lips. "I'll fix that for you." She pushes her wet lips over mine, laughing through the whole kiss. "Is that better?" She muffles, lips still on mine. Her tongue pokes through and she messily throws it around my mouth.

I loudly laugh, jumping up and down. "Okay i'm sorry, i'm sorry!! It was fine!" I yell, pushing myself away from Trixie. I wipe the back of my hand against my lips and even my chin. "You're gross." i scrunch up my nose.

"Just shut up and get ready; i'm starving."

end of ch1! lmao am gassed but idk if people acc look for trixya on wattpad? well i certainly do and there isn't really a huge selection so!

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