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Trixie POV

"Yeah! So we eat their teeth and chew reeeeeeaaaaallllyyyy hard and then it breaks it only then." I giggle, hitting Brian on his arm lightly. "You have a," hiccup, "huge ass." I grab his 'huge ass' and giggle again. "Oops."

He laughs. "You're acting funny. You're normally depressed and emotional when you're drunk."

"You're sober? Gross." I hum, falling onto his chest. "I'm tired. Let's go home."

"By home you mean the hotel? Sure, it's like 3am now anyways. I'll call the rest."

"My butt is vibrating!" I cry. "What do i do? Why is it doing that?! It's my phone, right? Haha phone. Funny. It's still vibrating! Help me Brian!"

"Yes, it's your phone." It seems as though someone has turned the music up, he shouts loudly. His hand trails behind me and pulls out my phone from, i'm guessing, my back pocket. He looks at the screen. "2 missed calls from your mom and 3 from Chris."

"Mom? Who's she? Ha! Just kidding. I came out of her." I laugh. "I'm so funny. I made a joke. A funny joke."

"Yeah, you did."

I look down at Brian. I wish i could kiss him. It would be nice to just kneel down and --

"He's calling again."

Snap out of it Brian. You're drunk, you don't actually want to kiss him. Let those feelings go.

I take my phone from him and run into the toilets.

Try and act... well not as drunk as you are. You'll say something stupid and irrelevant and probably hurt or annoy the love of your life. Okay, Brian?


"Hello?" I hiccup.

"Hey, baby."

"Hello Chris. How are you?" A hiccup again, but this time i held it in my mouth so it was like an inward burp.

"I'm good. You? You feeling okay? You sound off."

"I'm out, drinking. A little hazy but not much."

"Oh wow, you holding up okay? You normally get crazy emotional and all."

"Not today. I've actually been really funny."

"Wow, wish i was there to see that."

"Why aren't you here?"

"Well... i'm not a famous drag queen like you are, am i Trixie?"

"I guess not. You could come though. If you can make it. That would be fun."

"You're just saying that because your drunk."

"No. It would be nice if you came. We could cuddle. I like hugging you." Was i inviting Chris to join us on tour?

"We'll see. I was just checking up on you. Hope you're having fun, babe."

"I am. But i think i'll end up puking in 20 minutes."

"Maybe i should come. I don't think anyone could handle you drunk better than i can."

"Yeah. Come. Please."


"Okay, i should go. Brian was rounding everyone so we could," hiccup, "Get going back to the hotel."

"Brian's the sober one?"


"That's good."

"I wish you trusted me."

"I do."


"Night, baby. I love you."

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