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Katya POV

I lie on the hard bed of my new hotel room, staring straight up at the ceiling.

Oh Brian.

My heart beats fast, and my breath hitches. Who lies like that? Who even knew that was a thing? To be honest, it wasn't even a lie - it was just a keeping of the truth. He just didn't tell me. A whole year. He had not told me of his boyfriend of longer than a whole year. He knows everything about me. I tell him everything. How did he even keep this a secret? I'm with him all the time!

Thinking back now, however, i can see the amount of times he's had to take calls. He would have 'meetings' and wouldn't answer my 3am calls. It all made sense really.

Damn, this Chris guy must be hot.

I wonder what he looked like. I wonder how they met. I wonder if Brian was in love with him. Had they said 'I love you' too each other? Was Brian not heartbroken when they broke up? How did he not tell me? Did he handle it well?

There were so many questions and it killed me to think that i had never had the chance to ask these to my best friend. My best friend. The person who i spend nearly every second of everyday with. He didn't tell me.

How was this even a thing? Did he just wake up one day and think, 'hey, i'm not going to tell Brian about my boyfriend. Maybe i'll tell him when i'm walking down the isle."

I slide my hand down my face. He was crazy.

My phone rings in my pocket and i pull it out to see who it is.


I exhale loudly and answer. "Hello?" i say.

"Hi, are we meeting here or are we going to the airport separately?" He asks, trying to sound casual - obviously attempting to dismiss all that had happened yesterday.

"We'll go together. No point in wasting money on two uber's." I bite my lip. Did i sound happier than i was? Should i act happy? Should i be mad?

"Okay. I'll see you downstairs by the front desk in 20 minutes."


I hold my phone to my chest. Why was this so awkward? Why was i finding it so hard to be angry. I felt the urge to shout and scream but all i could think about doing was shutting myself out and crying. I had to seem tough though, in front of him. I didn't want to seem fragile or hurt, i wanted to show Brian betrayed i felt.

In this moment, right now, after everything Brian and I have gone through as friends, i've never questioned my trust for him as more as i am doing right now.

"Hey." Brian said softly as i walked up to meet him at the receptionist desk. "You alright?" He adds.

I don't answer. I shrug and nod. His face falls, a frown appears. "Okay. Let's go, the uber's outside." He mumbles and turns around, walking out the hotel.

We sit in the car, both in the back seats.

After a few minutes of driving the car stops for the first time. I look out my window to see a huge line of cars. "Of for fucks sake." i mutter under my breath. I don't turn my head to check, but i knew Brian was looking at me questioning. "Traffic." I say, still looking ahead of me.

"Can we talk now?" Brian whispers, unbuckling his seatbelt to move into the middle seat - much closer to me.

"You can talk." I still don't look at him.

"I didn't tell you about Chris because," he takes a breath, "I was scared. I was scared our relationship would change. I was scared you'd distance yourself from me, you'd act less of the way you do... we wouldn't hold hands, we wouldn't jokingly kiss on our show or on stage, we wouldn't have slept together - in the same bed - nothing. If you knew i had a boyfriend, you wouldn't do all that. I know you, Brian. You'd just say 'What about Chris?' 'Chris wouldn't like this.' And it's a rubbish excuse, it really is-"

"-It's a shit excuse. It really is." I spit, interrupting him. "And you're lying. That wasn't why you didn't tell me. You're cleverer than that and you're cleverer than me. If i think that's a dumb excuse then you must think it's god damn awful. Now, Brian. If you don't tell
me the truth... you could lose me. Lose me as a friend." I was finally looking at him now.

He stayed silent. We were looking into each-others eyes. "I was trying to get over you." He finally says, looking down at his hands. "I fell
for him. I did eventually fall in love with him, i'll admit. I didn't tell you at first because i didn't want you to question anything about why i was with him. He... he wasn't really my type. But eventually, about 4 months into my relationship, i realised i was falling in love with him. Hard. By then, i figured it was too late. And then time went on and it was just... too late."

I didn't hear anything properly apart from 'I was trying to get over you."

"You were trying to get over me?" My heart started beating fast. "What do you mean?" I bite my lip.

His eye widened. "I..I erm..I...-"

"Tell me Brian." The car started moving now. We weren't far from the airport now, the signs leading towards it were telling me that.

"I was," He laughs and covers his face. "It's embarrassing to say actually but I was in love with you."

My heart falls to my feet. Was.

I laugh. "You were?" He swallows. "I was, yes. It's stupid really. Looking back now, it was less love and more infatuation i guess." He smiles awkwardly. "But please, forget it. I'm just so so sorry Brian. I've never wanted you to forgive me more than i want you to right now."

"I have questions though." I say, moving my hand to hover over his on his thigh.

He grins. "Anything."

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