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Katya POV

"I can't believe that happened." I say to Shane.

We were lying on my bed. It was 2am, the night before we left the Uk to fly back home.

"I can't believe i witnessed it." He replies.

"It was-"

"-fucking sexy."

I laugh. "It was. But it was wrong. He loves, for some strange reason, that rude and gorgeous motherfucker who's at his house right now probably storing Brian's pills in alphabetical order into the medicine cabinet." I groan and turn into my side to face him. "It kills me that he's next door and i can't go see him."

"Well technically you can."

"But i can't. It's too awkward. I just wanna pounce on him again. And feel his butt. I really wanna feel his butt."

I close my eyes and think about that moment. Everything was so perfect for those 2 minutes. It was just us and our bodies. We were so mentally and physically connected at that moment i hadn't felt a connection like that in my whole life.

"Hey, can i ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Who started it?"

I think. "Well, i told him i loved him but understood that nothing could happen then we kinda stared at each other for bit. It was a... i don't know, shared thing, He grabbed onto my waist and me onto his neck. It was pretty romantic actually. Wait, are romantic and fucking sexual the same thing? Because it was pretty much both romantic and sexual. Ahhh! Stop making me talk about it i get hard." I laugh.

"Yeah? I can make you go completely limp with one phrase; after it ended."

"I don't like thinking about that part." I frown. "It was so fucking weird. Like, i was so happy and then i realised i couldn't be anymore."

"You can still be happy." He says. I wasn't sure that was entirely true. "I can?" I ask, "How? I can't bring it up or talk about it or anything. And it makes me feel so bad because 1. he doesn't like me so it meant nothing and 2. he basically cheated on Chris and yeah i don't like him but that's crazy sad."

It's true. I felt super bad for Chris, no one deserves to get cheated on. "He's not even going to tell him, obviously, but i just don't know how well it's gonna work out."

Shane sighs. "I guess it's just none of our business then. We'll just have to wait and see."

"There's something else actually. I know it's a month early but i got Brian's christmas present sorted." I get off the bed and walk towards my luggage, I open the front pocket of one of my smaller bags and pull out a paper bag with a small box inside of it, "Here, you open." I hand the white box to Shane, who opens it.

He gasps. "Wow, Brian. This is-"

"It's nice, right? I saw it and thought to get it for him straight away."

"It's amazing!" He says in awe.

He lifts up the ring. "Fuck off! There's something engraved on it! I'm going to cry!"

"It's not like super cringe or anything." I shrug and mumble.

He lifts the gold chain and stares at the gold circle medallion that rested at the end. "He's gonna love it. It's funny too, Brian(s)."

It's what i had engraved on the all gold necklace. Just simply, Brian(s).

I showed the woman at the desk my passport, she smiled and let me through. I waited on the side for Brian to be let through. Once he was, we walked towards a coffee shop as we waiting for our flight to start boarding people.

We sat down at a small table. Just us two.

"So." I start.

"So." He copies.

"Excited to be going back? I'm fucking excited for some Chipotle, Taco Bell, ah!" I lick my lips. "If i miss anything; that."

"Casual small talk isn't really us, is it?" He taps onto the table with his fingers. "Shall we jump right to it or wait a couple of days?" He asks.

"You choose." I fall back into my chair, giving in.

"You told me you loved me. We fought. We made up. You told me you loved me. We kissed." He says this all very quietly. "I don't wanna be that guy, Brian."

"What guy?"

"You know... that guy. The cheating hospital how." He leans forward  and  talks under his breath.

"That's a guy?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Not the point, Brian." He groans, "Cheating... that's not me. It's not what i do. Even if i hate the time person, which i don't, i don't cheat." It's true. Brian would never cheat and the fact that he did, especially with me, makes me feel a bit nauseous.

"It's Christmas soon." I say.

"So are we just gon-"

"I can't wait to give you your presents."

His smile lights up. "My presents? That is exciting. Can i have one now?" He chirps.

"I don't have it on me-"

"-yes you do. You're playing with something in your pocket and i'm hoping it's a present and not your cock."

I laugh. "Cock. Funny, funny word." i sigh happily at the end.

"Please." He jumps in his chair. "Or I won't get on the plane with you." He pouts.

"Okay, calm down. You'll end up having another attack or something." I roll my eyes and pull out the small box from inside my pocket. "Here." I slide it across the table.

He's already grinning and he hasn't opened the box yet. His hands fumble with the case but open it eventually. His mouth widens as he pulls the chain out. "Brian... i... wow." He gasps.

"It's not like anything cringey or gross so don't worry. And it wasn't too expensive so you don't have to get me anything extravagant. I just saw it and saw i could engrave it, so i thought of you."

"You've engraved—" he looks at the back of it, "you've engraved it! Oh my god! I'm gonna die. Bestie goals." He puts on his 'white girl' voice.

"I just feel how i feel and i'm not gonna apologise for that." I say, also in our created voice.

""Brian(s)! I'm gonna cry!"

"Cute, right?" I ask as i watch him eye the chain and medallion. "I'm glad you like it." I add.

"Like it? Love it." He puts the chain over his head and it lands securely on his neck. "This side up." He grins, turning the medallion around so i could visibly see Brian(s) sitting on his chest.

I smile.

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