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omg guys so i just read last chapter and it ended w we'll see u in 20 and this is ch 20 i'm SHOOK. also guys ive just written ch 22 and it's so soooo crazy. i normally stock up on chapters and post every few days but i think i'm gna quickly post 3 chapters bc honestly chapter 22 is (finally) some trixya storyline breakthrough- now whether it's a good or bad breakthrough is for you to find out... soon ;).

thanks for reading guys, i appreciate it. pls comment and like and stuff (i get so gassed when i read ur comments btw)

okay c ya i love ya sm ! ! ! x x xx xxxx x xxx x

Katya POV

"Chris! You're here!" I smile, hugging my best friends boyfriend. He was very tall. I hadn't realised that before.

"Brian!" He shouts in the same tone but slightly more awkwardly. "Hey. It's nice to see you." I wasn't even looking over at Brian and i knew he had a grin plastered on his face. I was being nice to make him happy.

"Hi, i'm Danny." He extends his hand out to Chris's and they shake, it goes on to Willam, Shane and then Justin. Awkward meetings for the win. "Hi everyone. I'm Chris, your beloved Trixies boyfriend. It's great to meet you all, i'm a huge fan." He says, looking around at all of us. We were standing on the ground floor of the hotel by the reception, waiting for our cab to take us to some breakfast place nearby.

"A big fan? That's sweet." Shane smiles. "Who's your favourite?"

Chris's cheek flush red. "Well of course my boy slash girlfriend is fucking insane and gorgeous." His arm tails around Brian's waist. I'm sure i was the only who noticed. "But, from those standing here at least, my favourite has to be... by the way don't take this as me saying i hate the rest of you but yeah my favourite is probably Alaska. Was rooting for your on season 5. And All Stars."

Justin bows in victory and sticks his tongue out to us all.

"Cabs here." I look at my phone to see the text that it was outside.

We sit in the larger 7 seater cab and start to make our way there. There was conversation echoing the car but i found myself not wanting to join in on it.

Lucas and I had our last conversation last night. He started it. It was my turn to start the next one. So i will. I really like talking to Lucas; he made me laugh and was really sweet. I wasn't sure whether or not i like liked him but i definitely liked him.

me: hello:) what time is it there? very early?

I wasn't expecting an answer right away. Well, i wasn't going to get an answer right away.

I was sitting in the passenger seat next to the driver so obviously had no conversation to immediately join into. I turn around to see all the boys harassing Chris. Brian was clinging on to his hands in Chris's lap.

"So, who asked who out?" Willam questions from the back seats. Chris turns around and answers; "Me. I asked him out at a drag show."

"Interesting. Who was the first one to kiss the other?" Danny asks from next to Brian.

Chris and Brian exchange knowing looks. They smile. "We leant in at pretty much the same time. On our third date i think the first proper kiss was." Brian explains, a smile spread across his face. It had been a while since i had seen him like this.

"Hey Brian!" Justin cheers, looking at me. "You haven't spoken a lot. You alright?" This was Brian's cue to look at me worriedly. His eyes were basically asking if i was okay.

Was i okay?

"Bitch! I'm fine!" I roar. "And i'm even better because we are here!" I sing. I pay the driver and we all jump out. "I'm fucking starving." I mumble.

"Hm, i really want some pancakes right now." Shane says, pulling Willam by the hand into the small breakfast place. Willam just lets himself get dragged into the place not fighting or getting annoyed by it; progress.

"I would really like some eggs, actually." Chris says to me and Brian. We had managed to end up walking in a three. Brian in the middle, me and Chris on either side. Although i guess he had the one up because he was holding his hand.

After we order we, again, sprawl into our own conversations. "So, Brian. How's your boyfriend?" Danny raises his eyebrows at me. Blood rushes to my cheeks and i can practically feel them turn red.

"He's not my boyfriend. But he's great, thanks." I take a sip from my water. "Hey why don't we go back to interviewing Chris?" I smile widely.

"Good idea!" Justin exclaims.

They all do so. Brian and I turn to look at each other and have our own conversation. "So, how was it? Him just... you know... being at your door?" I ask.

"Fucking crazy. I didn't expect it at all. I was ready to rush to my cab but he was just right there. I felt so bad but kinda relieved i didn't have to go get him." He chuckles. "I'm sorry if you're feeling awkward. I know you guys don't-"

"-It's fine. Honestly." I didn't want to have ana weird and off putting talk right now. I wanted to sit here and calmly eat my breakfast.

I look up at him. He was looking down at me. Our eyes were staring deep into each others and there was nothing i wanted more than to lean in and kiss his soft lips. Nothing more than to say 'I love you.'

I loved him. I loved him so much. Trying to hide it was just failing for me completely. I need to tell him. I am going to tell him.

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