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Trixie POV

"And make sure you subscribe, to Wow Presents!"


"Okay, now that was a good episode." I sip my straw, red bull flooding into my mouth. "Death was such a great topic." I add.

"It's true. It's my one aspiration in life." Katya smiles at me and nearly choke on my drink. "Oh shut up! Don't say things like that!" I stifle a laugh. She rolls her eyes and we get up from our chairs and walk towards our dressing room.

"Hey, how many episodes do we have to film before we go on tour?"

Katya and I are going on a 2 week long tour in the UK. It's not just us, no, we're going with Bianca, Adore, Alaska and Jinkx.

"I think we're filming one in like an hour and 2 more next week? Don't take my word for it i'm bad at science." She mumbles, looking at her phone.

I furrow my eyebrows. "You look really concentrated. What are you doing?" I ask, trying to peer at her phone. She locks it before i can. We make eye contact and she smiles. "None of your business. We love secrets, don't we bestie?" She teases.

I grit my teeth in annoyance but let it slide. "You're annoying but i'm not gonna drag you right now." I hum, looking at myself in the mirror. "I look terrible." I groan, attempting to place my flower crown nicely onto my head.

"You what?!" Katya turns towards me. "Oh mama you are killing the flower girl game." She clicks her fingers. "Dominating, slaying, i don't know all the words but yeah." She adds.

"Well you look beautiful in that hair." I compliment back with a grin. I grab my red bull and take a sip through the straw again.

"So, what you doing tonight?" Katya asks as she places her phone on the table next to her. "Wanna catch a movie or something?" She adds.

"I... I can't." I bite the inside of my lip. "Chris is coming over and-"

"-hm, yeah. It's fine, i get it."

Oh my heart.

"You know what? it's fine. I'll cancel. Bros before man hoes." I chuckle. She looks at me, eyes open wide.

"Oh please don't say that ever again." She shivers.


"My apartment is as gross as you probably remember it," Brian mumbles to me as he pushes his key into the lock. (An innuendo, i know.) "I haven't cleaned or attempted to even pick up a dirty towel since the last time you slept over." He adds, opening the door and letting me walk in before him.

I roll my eyes although he couldn't see me. "Shut up. You're apartment is barely messy at all." I look around. I had been here last about a month ago. I stayed over after a gig and we passed out on Brian's bed in drag. It was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world and i'd rather not relive the memory of peeling off extra dry glue from my face.

"You said it was grossly untidy," I roll my eyes this time so he could see. "It's probably the cleanest i've seen it since you've moved here." i fall on the couch and scroll through my phone. "Red Bull please." I say without looking up at Brian who was hovering over me. I hear a mumble that sounded something like "lazy son of a whore" but i decided to go against my ears and pretend like i didn't hear anything.

"Here." He passes me me the tall can of the drink and i nod at him as my way of saying thank you. "What film shall we watch?" Brian pulls out our huge basket of films from next to his TV. Brian and I have, i guess you could say, been collecting DVDs of our favourite films for about a year now. We've been storing them all in this huge red basket that Brian kept at his house and we go through it every now and then and choose a film to watch.

"Are you feeling gay enough to watch Mean Girls?" He asks, pulling the DVD case out of the basket.

"Oh honey," I chirp "I'm basically too gay to function."

He takes my words as a yes and places the disk into the player. The film starts and Brian comes to the couch, sitting awkwardly next to me. Before it really gets into the juicy bit, i speak; "Why are you sitting so far? Are we not cuddling?" I didn't think much of it, cuddling with Brian.

"Chris." He mumbles strangely with his eyes still on the TV.

I make a face at the back of his head. "Yeah? What about Chris?" I ask. I really didn't understand what he was talking about. "He's my boyfriend, you're my best friend. Cuddling with you while we watch Mean Girls isn't really going to put a damper on our relationship."

He doesn't reply. He just scoots closer to me and i smile. I move to the side a little letting Brian slip into the corner of the couch. I fall onto his chest and his arms wrap around my torso loosely. Our legs tangled together and it all felt so familiar and normal.

Should i feel guilty? I mean, if this was Chris cuddling with his gay best friend would i feel annoyed?

"Brian?" I ask. I don't turn around to face him but keep my eyes locked on Linsday Lohan.

He hums as a response, the vibrations of his mouth running through my hair and down my back.

"Is this, like, bad? You and I, me and Chris?" I lift myself up on my elbows and turn to face him now. He was leaning on his hand. "You get what i'm saying? I'm not like cheating am i?" My eyes trail down to his hands. They were thrown loosely on my hip. He quickly picks them up when he realises i was looking at them.

We both get up now. He pauses the film. "Well i guess we gotta have some serious conversations now." He mumbles, crossing his legs and facing my way. I do the same.

He takes a sharp breath in. "Are you in a relationship with Chris?"

I nod.

"Are you loyal to Chris?"

Again, i nod.


"Do you love Chris?"

My eyes were locked on his and i couldn't move them. Even if i did, i know when i looked back he would still be staring at me.

"Yes." I say.

"Well then, we shouldn't be so open about our relationship. We're friends and you have a boyfriend. Boundaries. We need boundaries."

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