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Katya POV

It was 8am, i was the only one awake. I guess i should just leave for my apartment now. I'm going to see Brian later, so it's not like he'll miss me a lot. We were both acts at Alyssa's show tonight. Plus, he should spend some time with (ugh) Christian.

I tiptoe towards Brian's room and slowly open the door, trying my best to - obviously - not wake the couple. I steadily walk to my suitcase, which sat comfortably next to Brian's.

"What are you doing?" A groggy voice mumbles. My heart skips a beat and i slowly turn my head towards the bed. Chris. Just my luck.

"I'm sorry if i woke you," i apologise. "I'm just grabbing my suitcase. I'm going home." I smile, falsely of course. But i smile nonetheless. "Yeah. See you." he mumbles, falling back onto the bed, rolling over to hug Brian. He looked peaceful. He looked comfortable in Christians arms. He's lucky. Both of them.

I drag my suitcase through the hall and towards the front door. I should probably just leave. Chris will tell Brian i've gone home.

It's weird that Brian's and my names are the same. Two besties connected by their names. It's funny, really. Like, '"Brian!" Brian called for Brian.' Its a funny sentence.

Sorry, i went off on a tangent then.


Ah. My heart melts at the thought. We were performing tonight at a show and i'm pretty sure Chris will come now. I guess i'll have to lay off the touchy feely stuff i had planned to
spice up our performance a bit.

Ugh, what's the point now?

When i reach the building of my apartment i rush in as fast as i could. My suitcase hitting all sorts of walls and doors. I make my way to my apartment and pull out my key from my pocket to open the door. I take a deep breath as i walk into my home that i hadn't been in for ages. Finally though, i was here. I drop my suitcase right at the door and kick it closed with my foot, walking towards my small couch to fall safely onto it.

Before i could relax at all though, my phone jist had to have buzzed.

Brian : You left? why?

Did Chris not tell him? I start to type a reply.

Me : yeah. need to shower and start getting ready for tonight.
Brian : oh yeah, tonight. i'll see you there, then.

For some reason, i didn't feel the need to reply so i just ignored. The show starts at 8pm tonight and i need to get to the venue at around 5 to start getting ready. So that leaves about 7 hours. I, considering my lack of life, think about just calling Brian. There wasn't really a point to that though. I had been with him all day every day for the past week and now he's with his boyfriend. I probably should just back off.

After eating breakfast and watching pointless television for a few hours, i decide i should probably freshen up before i leave for the show. I hop in the shower and throw on a pair of sweatpants and a Trixie Mattel T-shirt. The pink sleeves always felt good on my arms. (Shameless plug) Its an amazing top, what can i say?

I call for an uber and eventually make it to the club. I look around as i walk in with all my drag materials. I spot Justin and Aaron.

"Hey guys. Familiar faces!" I smile, dropping my stuff on the floor next to a chair in front of a lit mirror. "What's up?" i ask.

"Not much, just waiting for Justin to come out and tell us what the schedule is for tonight." Aaron answers, looking behind me. "Brian didn't come with you?" He asks. I bite my lip. "No, actually. He...uh...he should be on his way," i say. "with his boyfriend." I add.

They both look at me with their eyes wide open. "Boyfriend?" They say simultaneously. "I thought you had already done dibs on that man woman?!" Justin shrieks. "Since when did he have a boyfriend??"

"A long time actually. A super crazy long secret boyfriend." I say. "Look," i point towards the door behind the two men. "It's Justin."

Finally. I couldn't stand to talk about Brian's relationship for much longer.

"Hey girls!" Justin yells, hugging us all one bye one. "I'm so excited for tonight! Y'all know the order and all right?" He asks.

We all shake our heads. "We were waiting for you to come out and tell us." Aaron grins.

Justin shakes his head. "Am i doing everything around here?!" he shouts to no one in particular. "Well it's not that hard to remember actually. It's me, Sharon, Alaska, Katya, Trixie, me, Sharon and Alaska, me, Trixie and Katya and then me again." he says all in one breath.

"Wow, thats a lot. What time does this show end?" Justin asks. A shrug was the only response, telling us all we needed to know.

"Now get ready!" A tongue pop gave us our start and we all rushed towards the 4 mirrors that were set in rows. The one to the left of me had Aaron seated comfortably. The one to the right, however, empty.

I pull out my phone and call Brian. I hit speaker and sit my phone next to the mirror.


"Hey! Are you on your way?" I ask straight away, Aaron and Justin looking my way when they hear me talk loudly. "Brian! Come quick, Katya here is crying for you!" Justin exaggerates, basically lies.

"Justin?! Where are you guys? I--- Oh. Oh my god." His voice muffles over the phone.

"Did you forget?! Brian we spoke about it this morning! What the fuck." I pick up my phone and talk directly into the microphone.

"He forgot?" Aaron questions. "Now that's bad."

"No! I... i'm on my way." He clearly lies straight through his teeth but i'll take it. I couldn't be bothered to keep up with Brian right now.

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