29 - the end

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final ch

Katya POV

We were home.

I was done.

That was it.

I'm going to do it.

There's nothing i have to lose.

I was helping Brian with his luggage up into his apartment. Apparently while we were gone, the elevators broke so we had to lunge his bags up the stairs. Luckily, his room was on the first floor so we had to make only 3 trips up and down.

Once we had taken everything up outside his apartment, we came back down to the foyer and paid and thanked the driver.

Before Brian could run up the stairs to go see Chris, i stop him. "Can we sit here for second. You know, before we go up and everything finishes." I sit down on a chair that sat in the foyer of Brian's building.

He doesn't say anything, he just sat down across from me.

"We've been nothing but emotional wrecks for a while now, maybe since i found out about Chris. But, this isn't us, Brian. You and me both know we aren't like this." I start, hoping he'll say something; he doesn't.

I sigh, "We aren't like this," i repeat, "we're absolutely crazy and we laugh and say horrible things to be funny and they just shouldn't make up laugh but they do." He smiles, "And even if we are the most batshit crazy drag queens in the whole world, we're still Brian and Brian." His hand touches his chest, where the 'Brian(s)' medallion sat.

"We are." He says.

"And i know you don't believe, i don't know why you think i say this but the truth is, Tracy, i love you."


"- let me finish. You're with Chris and i accept that, i swear. I just really want you to know, Brian. I love you so much." I look into his eyes and reach for his hands across the table. He loosely holds mine. "You have your life and i'll eventually find mine. Maybe this feeling will go away one day, maybe it won't. But right now, this very second, i can truthfully tell you that i'm in love with you and you mean every last thing to me. There's nothing you could do or say to annoy me or make me angry at you. You just make me smile, everything about you."

"Brian, i-"

"-Our kiss. That kiss— wow. I-"

"-Brian. Let me speak." He sighs. "There's nothing I can say, honestly. I don't know how i feel and i don't know what i feel. I feel horrible about what happened, it doesn't mean i didn't like it or want it to happen."

I smile. "You wanted it to happen?"

"I was like... i don't know, possessed by some love kissing demon because i really liked it." He looks down, "But Chris." He adds.

"Break up with him." I blurt.

"You don't understand." He let's go of my hands and fixes his cap on his head. "It's not like i have no feelings towards him. I love him the way i love you and it just isn't fair."

"You... you said you loved me."

I easily notice the blood rush to his cheeks. "I— well it's obvious." He gives up. "I hate that we're being like this. It's making me cringe." He sticks his finger in his mouth as he fake pukes.

"He's expecting you upstairs, isn't he?" I ask.

"He is."

"So, i guess we wrap it up. We either 1) go upstairs and finish what happened. We're Trixie and Katya. Work friends. Or you 2) break up with Chris, or 3) nothing. We... we finish it all. Wow that sounds really murder/suicide-y. No pressure."

"That's a lot of choices." He says.

"I'm sorry i'm doing this. I just, i don't want to come back and still be dying to have you."

"You weren't dying for me before."

"What do you mean?"

"Before you knew about Chris, you didn't act like this. Neither of us did."

"I just... i guess i thought i'd always have you." i mutter.

He stands up. "Let's go up. He's waiting. I told him 2 and it's 2:30." He says casually. As if we hadn't been speaking for the last 15 minutes.

"Are we not gonna-"

He runs up the stairs quickly and towards his apartment. The bags that we left outside his room door were gone so Chris had probably figured we were already here.

"You coming in?" Brian asks me as he opens the door.

He's looking at me, waiting for me to answer but my eyes stay focused on what's behind him, behind the door he just opened.

"No." I say. I turn around and walk away.

Trixie POV

"Brian! Where are you going?" I yell.

"Babe." I hear behind me. I turn around and look to see Chris standing inside my apartment in a suit and his hand behind his back. I look down and notice red roses scattered across the floor in a path towards him.

My eyes water. "You didn't." I say, my voice full of tears and emotion and happiness. I slowly walk across the petals and towards him.

"You didn't." I say again when i reach him. My hands snake behind his neck and i kiss him.

We part.

"So... can i..." He says, as he gets down on one knee. "Brian, Trixie, Tracy, Barbara, Susan, whatever beautiful version of yourself you are today; i love you. I fucking love you. More than any one in the whole world and i can say that and mean it. I want to- i need to spend the rest of my life with you. Please, please marry me."

I look down at him as he opens a small white box that held a silver wedding band sitting in it.

The box was similar to the box Brian had given me my necklace in.


Fuck, where did he go? He must have seen all the roses and the dim lights and just figured out what was going on.

He loves me.

And I-

"Brian? Will you marry me?"

I look down at Chris again. He was my Chris. I love him.



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