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Trixie POV

We finally find Katya, Alaska and Sharon. They were all nearly ready in drag. Katya just needed her wig and shoes, Alaska was fully ready just topping up and Sharon had her heels in her hands. When i realised i wouldn't have time to get completely ready here in the dressing room, I decided to rush my drag at home, all i had to do was slip on my heels and tease my wig slightly. I didn't look my best, but i was Trixie Mattel and that's all that matters.

"Finally!" Alaska screeches, running up to me and Chris. "Hey, Trixie." She hugs me before turning around 45° to the left. "Who's this?" She asks, placing her pinkie in her mouth.

I grab onto Christians hand just to tell him that he was fine, and this was just Alaska. "This is Christian. My boyfriend." I smile. Sharon comes up from behind Alaska. "Boyfriend?? Now honey i'm sure you and Katya were set for life." She furrows her eyebrows.

"No." I deadpan. I wasn't going to let anyone put Christian down tonight. Not after all this. Katya and I being something was one of his biggest insecurities and it's just cruel of me to suggest anything of it.

I look in between the two queens to see Katya sitting in her chair, looking at her phone. I, with my amazing eyesight, could see that she was staring at nothing. Just her home screen, pretending as though she was on her phone.

"Katya?" I call, walking between Alaska and Sharon. "Hi." i smile when i finally reach her. I look down at her sitting in her chair.

"Hey. You look beautiful," she smiles. "Your hair, it's really nice." She brushes her fingers between the locks of my blonde wig. "Christians here?" She adds, looking behind me to see Alaska, Sharon and Chris having a, what seemed to be, in depth conversation.

"Yeah. He wanted to watch me perform. He hasn't seen that in a while." I try to keep a smile on my face. She nods. "We're gonna have fun tonight. I'm excited." She hold both of my hands. "Energy." She longs out her word in an annoying high pitch voice causing me to burst out laughing. "Energy." I copy her. "God we're lucky to have each other." I blurt out. She screams in my face and we both fall into a pit of laughter.

Finally, things were feeling normal again.

"Okay, everyone. Alyssa's nearly done opening so Sharon get ready to go on." A man blares into the dressing room. Katya and I watch Sharon and Alaska follow the man, i'm guessing, towards the wings of the stage.

I leave Katya sitting in her chair and walk towards Chris. "Hey, why don't you go find a spot in front row." I hand him a VIP badge that i had asked for earlier and he walks off, giving Katya a death stare as he does so.

I slowly walk towards Katya again. "I'm sorry about how awkward things are between you and Chris. It'll get better, i'm sure." I try to reassure her.

She nods. "It's fine. You love him, i'll get to know him. You know i'd do that for you," She grins. "I'd do anything for you."

"Ahhhh!!" I yell in her face, slapping her arm.

She smiled.

She meant it.


"Thanks for coming out tonight, y'all. I had a great time!" Alyssa ends the show and comes running out to us all. "Y'all had out done yourselves! Amazing, honestly amazing!" She cries to us all.

We all talk among ourselves and make our way back to the dressing rooms, Katya and I walking side by side - talking about anything and everything.

"We film the web show tomorrow!" I realise. "Now that's gonna be fun," She nods. We both absolutely live filming. "I might bring Chris along, do you think that will be okay?" I add.

She looks at me as we make it back into the dressing room. "I'm sure it will be fine but i don't know if it will be for me." Katya and I are always honest to each other. Even if it brutal.

I look at her questioningly. "The jokes i make. The fun we have. Katya is in love with Trixie. I don't know it just seems weird to do it in front of him." She doesn't look at me as she talks, her eyes are wandering around the room full of people as she slips off her heels and removes her earrings.

All the conversations between Katya and I have
become very serious lately.

"Okay. I won't bring him."

Conversation over.

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