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Katya POV

My hand grips onto his as we walk through the parking lot. I had come in my own car. Brian, Justin's. It was a loose hold of hands. Just a 'stay near me' kind of thing. But it was something nonetheless.

"Okay, my car. I'll see you later, yeah?" I say, slowly letting go of Brian's hand. I effortlessly trailed my fingers along the side of my car until they wrapped around the door handle. I pulled it open and was about to get in; "Wait! Are you not... i thought... you know before we argued- you were gonna stay at mine?" He says. It was awkward, though. It's us, it's not supposed to be awkward.

"Oh. Is the plan still on? I just didn't know--"

"If you want it to still be on. It's up to you. Don't wanna force it." He was standing on the other side of my car. His head and shoulders being the only things visible to me.

I smile. "You're my best friend." i note. "You're also tall."

He smiles, he smiles his Trixie smile. All Trixie, all Brian. He opens the door and launches himself into the passengers seat. I guess it's still a plan then.

I slowly sit down in my car and start to drive. At first neither of us spoke. I was guessing it was going to be a silent drive. There's been a lot of silence between us lately - it may be the new norm.

"I'm only like this much taller than you." I guess silence wasn't the new norm then. He shows a small gap between his thumb and pointing finger.

"That's a lot!" I reply, banging my hand on the steering wheel. "Now hush, i'm not a good multi-tasker."

I see from the corner of my eye, Brian connecting his phone to my car bluetooth.

"Please don't put on a rubbish song, i won't be able to beat you up while i'm driving." I stop the car as we come to a red light. I look over at him. "I swear."

'Mama don't make me put on the dress again' Brian's voice booms through the speakers.

I laugh. "Yes! My favourite! Plus, nothing's better than having the singer sitting next to me!" i sing along. "Ribbon bows around my shoulder and i'm only getting older!"

The ride was surprisingly filled with banter and jokes, which was proving to have been difficult and rare for us these days. I missed it.


I jump onto Brian's couch, looking at him standing above me.

"Okay, real talk now. I know we hate it and i know we do too much of it but i need to say one thing and i'm through."

I nod, making myself comfortable as i hug a cushion.

"My boyfriend is Chris." I already hated where this was going. "He is my boyfriend and i am loyal. My loyalties lie with him, okay? You are my best friend. Yes, we hug. Yes, we cuddle. But we do it in the most basic friendly way, right? Tell me Brian. Honestly, is what we do wrong?"

I take a second to think. "If i was Chris... i'd be hurt."

He doesn't answer. He just moves to the end of the sofa and falls at my feet. He didn't come and spoon with me, he didn't cling onto my arms as he rested his head on my chest. He just sat calmly at my feet and leaned on his hand.

"Thanks for being honest. I don't want to hurt Chris." He sighs.

"I know you don't." I didn't want him to hurt Chris either. I didn't want to be the reason Chris was hurt. Just because i don't like Chris, doesn't mean i want Brian to rip his heart out. He seemed to really love Brian and, well, it's what he deserves.

"Do you ever think about dating?" Brian speaks over the TV.

This comes as a shock to me. Brian and I... we didn't really do boy talk. I guess it was because it was just too awkward. I mean, he would talk about his hookups and i'd talk about mine but we never spoke about dating or boyfriends.

Huh, kinda adds to why he hid Christian from me for nearly 2 years.

"Me? Dating? Ha!" I try to laugh off the subject.

"Hey! Don't 'ha' me. Datings cool. Casual dating is great."

"Actually, come to think of it... this guy gave me his number a few days ago." I pull out my phone.

"What! How did you not think to tell me this when it happened!!" He jumps over me, landing on my stomach, peering at my phone.

"It was awkward. I was ordering coffee at Starbucks and because it was takeout i was just awkwardly standing by the counter - right?" I look down at him, his head resting on my stomach as he points his head down to look at my phone while i tell the story. "And then this kid- well i say kid, he was probably 25 or 26, anyway he comes up to me and starts to make conversation--"

"--what did he say?"

"Hey, i'm getting to that part." i roll my eyes. "Anyways, he says stuff like 'hi', 'what's your name', 'omg i totes love pumpkin spice too!' and junk like that. But i guess he was cute and kinda funny so i gave him my phone when he asked if he could give me his number. Never called though. I forgot but now i kinda feel bad." I end the story in defeat.

"Brian! That's so sad! I can't believe you didn't tell me, i could've totally gotten you laid by now." He groans. "Give me this." He pulls my phone from my hands.

"What are you doing?" i furrow my eyebrows, trying to snatch my phone from him as he taps aimlessly. He jumps up from the couch.

"One sec!" He circles the coffee table as i try to retrieve my belonging. "Okay done." He chucks the phone at me and i look at what he did.

me: hi, it's brian. from starbucks :)

Okay not too bad. "I'm not trying to start anything with anyone." I huff.

"Hey! I'm in a happy relationship, i want you to be in one too."

My heart actually explodes. Like actually.

I wanted to be in a happy relationship. With someone i love.

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