Hate or love

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Ethan's POV
We just met a beautiful girl, she had hazel green eyes with curly brown hair.

We went home as me and Grayson headed back to our rooms.

" So what do you think about our new hot neighbour? As Grayson asked

I gave him a weird look....

" Did you just call our next door neighbour hot?"

He smirked...

" She is kind off hot"

" Grayson...put that dick down you have a girlfriend"

He smirked and laughed....

" Well, she wouldn't know that I called her hot"

I lied in my bed, thinking of our ' hot ' neighbour.

" What was her name again?" As Grayson asked

" Hannah"

" Oh like Hannah baker?"

I stood up from my bed giving him a weird look...again.

" I feel sorry for Alex"

" Who our friend Alex?"

" No you dick your girlfriend Alex...Alexandra"

Grayson was really weird, he forgot he had a girlfriend.

Grayson slowly turns around on his chair curiously looking at me

" What?"

" You have a crush"

" N-no I don't"

" Shut the fuck up you dick, you have a crush on our neighbour...Hannah"

When he said her name, I couldn't speak, just hearing her name made me feel weak.
I wanted to prove him wrong...cause Grayson doesn't know I'm still with Meredith, he thinks I broke up with her.

" Speak up" as he said

" Well I don't like her"

He turned back on his chair without saying anything, I got my phone out to see 10 messages from Meredith.

Meredith: Babes, why you ignoring me! I thought we where gonna meet today remember at 10:30.

Oh shit, as I thought to myself. I checked the time which was only 10:00. Meredith would be here in 30 minutes, I got up from my bed and quickly put on some jeans and some shirt.

" Bro where you going?"

" Out"

" with?"

" None of your fucking business"

" Ethan...n-no is not what I'm thinking right? Ethan...."

" Well...maybe it is Grayson"

" Your back with that bitch? "

" Don't call her a bitch"

" Well she is one Ethan okay she is a bitch, she's a slut she's a whore!" As Grayson shouted

" Don't say that about my girlfriend"

" Ethan...look Meredith cheated on you with Nate, and you and him fighted while she was there laughing her fucking ass off, and now you forgi-"

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbourWhere stories live. Discover now