Back together

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I got up really early today, I couldn't sleep last night.


" No Grayson I'll walk it to school"

" Are you sure?"

" Yeah I'm sure I'm gonna walk it with Alex"

" Okay whatever you say see you at school"

We ended our call there, and Alex came.


" So Alex, I really want to know why Ethan's still mad at me"

" Grayson told you he didn't except that from you"

" I can see that Alex but why?"

Alex huffed and looked back at me.

" Hannah if I tell you, promise not to tell anyone?"

" Promise"

" Ethan likes you, and he thought you loved him back so that day he was waiting for a yes"

I didn't say nothing.
I didn't know if I loved him back, cause he was my best friends ex and I wonder if me and Ethan did really go out I wonder what Meredith would do?


" bye "

Alex went to Grayson and I went straight to my locker to put away my stuff.

" Hii"

I turn around to be looking up, a cute boy was standing in my way.

" Hey" I said back

" You must the Hannah?"

I nodded.

" And you are?"

" Jack...Jack Gilinsky...Ethan's and Graysons best friend"

I nodded my head...again.

" I was maybe thinking that today after school we could go to watch a movie?"

" Your asking me out?"

His cheeks went red, he looked down.

" Yeah I'll come" I said smiling at him.

He looked back at me and smiled.

" Thanks just wait for me at the car park after school" he said while giving me a hug.


" Okay class your assignment will"

The whole class started and I didn't.
I turn around and see Meredith, she has already began her test.
So did Grayson...
So did Alex....

But me and Ethan didn't, I watched him as he played with his pen, he looked around.
He was pretty bored.

" Psst"

" What?" As I whisper so that the teacher wouldn't hear me.

" Look at question 5"

I turn my page to question 5

" And?"

" What's the answer to that?" As Grayson asked

" So n x r2 x h equals"

He started writing down the answer...

" 3.14 x 42 x 10 equals...502.4"

" Yeah what's the last answer?" As he asked/whispered.

" It's erm... 502 cm3 and scale factor is 3"

" Thanks bitch" Grayson whispered and smiled at me

" Your welcome small dick"

" You don't know that I have a small di-"

" Mr.Grayson...we don't care if you have a big dick stop talking or I'll disqualify your paper" As Mr. JenSon said

The class giggled and Grayson's face turned red.

There where 5 minutes for the lesson...

" Okay class put your pens away and Hannah will collect your papers."

Oh why me?

I collected everyone's paper.

" Can I have your paper please?" As I asked Ethan. He ignored me and got up and gave it to sir.

What a dick!

" Thank you Hannah" as sir said while I have the papers back to him.

I went back to my seat packing away my stuff.


" Alex I'm gonna go to get my book from my locker and I'll be" as I said to her and Grayson

They where both having lunch.

I couldn't see Ethan from nowhere.

As I went to get my book, I saw people laughing but looking at a different direction.

They were all whispering to themselves.

" What's happening?" as I asked someone

" I don't know they say they can hear Meredith moaning in the girls toilet" she giggled.

I quickly went inside the girl's toilet.


He stopped and turned around, he put back on his trousers.

I closed my eyes as he got dressed.

" You your eyes" Meredith said...she was out off breath.

" Why in the toilets?" As I asked

Ethan ignored me and got out.

While we walked out everyone was giggling at Meredith...

" What's so funny?" As Meredith shouted at them.

They all stopped and looked away


Ugh! Finally last lesson. I still couldn't get that image out of my head, are they back together? Or is Ethan making me jealous?

But what if I had feelings for him too?

Ohhh! She has a feeling for Ethan, I did wanted to make Meredith look like a bitch in this book but it wouldn't match with the theme.

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbourWhere stories live. Discover now