Caught masturbating

926 15 4

I woke up too see myself naked. I turn around...
" Hey" I whispered into his ear
He opened one eye and smiled.
" Hey beautiful" he got up and sat on the edge of the bed. I wrapped the blanket around me. He got up and put on some shirt.
While he was in the bathroom I quickly got into my shorts and my vest. It was too hot. I tied my hair into a messy bun.
I turn around and see Ethan in a towel wrapped around his torso. I bit my lip.

" I'm going down" I said, but before I didn't go I slowly walked to him and kissed him.
" Why you walking like that?" He asked
" my thighs hurt"
He gave me a little smirk
" And?" He asked
I felt as if my cheeks went red.
" Well..." he said coming closer too me.
I took small step backs as he came closer too me.
" Ethan"
He raised one brow to me and smirked
He leaned in to kiss me but I quickly opened the door and left.
" I'll get you later babes" he said
I laughed a little and went down.

" Well hello to this sunshine" as Sean said he was in a rush he kissed Lisa and waved us a goodbye.
I made my way down into the kitchen.
" Need any help mrs Dolan?"
" No thank you sweet heart but thanks for asking"
I smiled at her and went into the living room where Grayson and Cameron was sitting down.

" Morning"

" Morning"

I sat down opposite both off them. They both gave me a weird look.

" Breakfasts ready" Lisa shouted

As I got up I got the pains on my thigh again.
Grayson and Cameron went before me.

" Hannah sweetheart are you okay?" As Lisa asked

I looked up to see the three of them staring at me.

I nodded my head ' yes'

" did you hurt your foot?" Grayson asked

" Well, I think I pulled a muscle" I said

I saw Ethan entering in and smirking at me.

I slowly walked to the table and sat next to Cameron.

" Aw honey what's that on your neck?" As Lisa asked
Cameron moved my hair out of the way.

Grayson spat out his water

" Eww" Ethan said to Grayson

" Yo is that kiss bites?" Grayson asked

I put my hair back at the front trying to hide it away but what was the point they already saw it.

" Guys leave her alone" as Lisa said


The living room was empty, Cameron went to uni , Grayson was out with his friends and Lisa went to work. Only me and Ethan was at home. He was upstairs, I don't know what he was doing.

Daddy: Hey princess haven't talked in a long time
Me: I've missed you
Daddy: how about I sent you a video? ;)
Me: I'll wait for you daddy

I waited for him to send a video but it took long.

As I was waiting I decided to check on Ethan since he was silent.
I went up the stairs too see Ethan...

" What the fuck?" He quickly moved his hand away from his pants.

" What you doing in here?" He asked

" Since you was so silent I came to check in"

" You can head back down" he said in a rude way.

I frowned my eyebrows together pushed him out the way and entered into his room.
I sat on his bed.

" Hannah I need you too leave" he said

I crossed my arms over my chest, not moving.

" well fine you can stay here" he said and left the room.

I lyed on his and got out my phone.

Me: where's the video? Get me fucking horny already
Daddy: Geez girl wait it's sending

I opened the video to see his half naked body. He was in the toilet.
I couldn't help but keep replying the video.

I decided to tease him.

I videoed myself, taking off my t-shirt only leaving me in a bra.

" And what the fuck are you doing?"

I froze. I saw Ethan watching me.

I quickly put on my shirt and stopped filming.

" Why would you creep on me like that?" I asked

" And why where you fingering yourself" he asked

" Well I wasn't finge-"
He raised both of his eyebrows

" Oh so your saying I didn't see them fingers down there"

I kept quiet.

" And why where you filming yourself" he said

" None of your business" I said I walked past him and entered into the bathroom.

I looked around the bath.

' This looks familiar'

I decided to open the video and watch it.

' Holy shit'

I quickly got out and made my way into his room.

" Ethan!"

" what?"

" We both have been..."

" We both what?" He asked
I looked at him.

" Oh shit" he said

" What are we gonna do?" I asked

" Where not gonna tell no one and where gonna forget about it" he said

I frowned at him.

" You think you can get away with this?"
He shrugged his shoulders...

I got on top off him. And kissed him.

" You...are...mine..." I whispered too him...

As he was going to take of my shirt.

I got off him.

" Come back" he said

" Later...daddy" I winked at him and left.

Well guys that was too chapters, it's pretty late and I'm tired. The weather is supposed to be cold but I'm boiling here. Well I'm done typing.

Peace ✌🏼

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbourWhere stories live. Discover now