The end

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It's been 9 months and things are pretty well... at least.

Me and Ethan got engaged
Meredith and Alexis broke up and now they're both models.
Jack's parents died and that got him really upset that he overdosed and died.
Aroosa and Toni moved to California
Toni became a model.
Well, Alex was having twins one girl and one boy.

And lastly but not least Ethan and Grayson made videos and they're YouTubers. Fans really support them.
They both want to move to LA for there fame but we gotta wait for Alex is birth.

Alexandra's POV

My belly was really big right now. As I was getting comfortable in bed. I think my water just popped.

" Grayson! Gray!"

He came running into the room.

" What is it?"

" Water!"

" Oh wow I thought it was something serious"

" Babies are coming!" I shouted

He jumped and didn't know what to do.

He helped me up from the bed.

Hannah's POV

Grayson just rang us saying Alex was giving birth.
While I was driving...

" Argh!" Alex shouted

" Okay baby okay everything's gonna be fine"
He started to breath in and out

" Grayson are you giving?" Ethan said turning around


" Grayson look down there" I said

" No" he shouted

" So what its good to put your dick init and your tongue and your finger but it's bad too look" I said

He frowned at me and checked. The next minute he fainted.

" Oh wow!" Ethan said


By that time she only gave birth to one son. The other twin girl didn't make it. They were both sad about it but they couldn't really do nothing about it.

I turn around and see Ethan taking off his shirt. He came and lyed next too me pulling me into a hug.

" I'm lucky to have you" he whispered into my ear.
I giggled

I turn around...

" I'm lucky to have the best daddy in the world."

He frowned his eyebrows

" Don't call me daddy I don't like it"

" Daddy"

He looked back at me and got on top off me.

" I'll show you what daddy can do" he said smirking at me.

That is the end of this chapter. A new book will be out
Follow me on Instagram- pineapplethan 😊✌🏼

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