Too many questions

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Finally it was Saturday...

" Hannah sweetheart I'm gonna go and help the stuffs with the office, if you wanna come

" No, mum"

" Okay princess just stay at home"

I nodded at her and she left the house.

I opened the Netflix, and watched teen wolf.

I got into the film to much that I didn't realise I was shouting at the TV...

" No Allison!"

She just died? Did Allison die?

I started crying, she was my fav character from teen wolf.

" OMG I feel sorry for Scott and Issac" as I said to the TV

Beep beep

E: Hannah the banana, what yu up too?

H: Nothing x

E: Hannah it's Saturday, before I don't ask what your doing please don't say your in bed"

H: No Ethan I had breakfast, and I'm watching teen wolf

E: eww teen wolf for real? I'm gonna come to your house so...

Before he could type in the rest, the doorbell rang I guess he already came.
I got up too open the door.

" Hey han"
" Hey"

He enters in and sits in the couch.

" Ethan why you here?"

" What? Can't I visit my best friends hou-"

" Open up Ethan, you never come to my house"

" Okay, so last nights kiss"

" Yeah what about it?"

" Did you feel something against me?"

" Why?"

" Just asking but did you?"

" Maybe...a little"

He smirked at me.

" Okay I gotta go now before..."

" Before what Ethan?"
I got closer too him...

before I rip that clothes of you

" Before...I do something"

He got up and left.
Mr.Dolan just leave. Wow . I have nothing to say.


" No Grayson you spin the bottle first"

Me, Ethan , Grayson and Alex we were all playing spin the bottle. There were some
Dirty dares to do but we got over them.

" Okay" as Grayson said

He spins the bottle and it lands on me...

" Great" I said

" Okay Hannah, do you like Ethan?"

I looked at Ethan and he laughed.

" Yeah tell us" as Alex said

" Do you like me?" Ethan asked

" Tell us do you like him?" Grayson asked

" Tell us"

" Do you like him?"

" Do you like me?"

" OMG guys stop asking me so many questions I will answer it " I shouted at the all of them.
They remained silence, but Alex giggled a little.

" So I'm so I like Ethan? No I don't actually, his my friend well not even my friend his like my best friend too me, he's like a brother too me"

Grayson looked at Ethan, ethan got up and left.

" What just happened?"

" Hannah, he doesn't like it when people say that, like he's a brother too me" Grayson said

" Why?"

" It's a long story, Hannah but he just doesn't like it"


" Good night guys"

Grayson and Alex left. I still couldn't imagine what happened to Ethan.

I messaged him 15 times and yet there is no reply.

The time was pretty late and I couldn't wait for my mum.

I wen up to my room, as I was about to close my curtains, I saw Ethan on the opposite window, he didn't have a shirt on, he turned around and as he saw me, he put the blinds down.

He didn't just ignore me?

Alright! My lovely Jubblies. It's pretty late ...well not that late , this chapter is boring.

Let me give some clues about the next chapter, Ethan does something...wonder what it is?

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbourWhere stories live. Discover now