Gralexson ruined?

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As me and Grayson entered into the canteen, we ordered and sat down.

Ethan was at football practise while Meredith was arguing with Aroosa. And Alex, I really haven't seen her today.

While we sat down, Grayson played with his good and didn't eat it l, he looked really upset.

" Gray is everything fine?"

" Yeah I'm not really in the mood"

" Why what's wrong? You can tell me anything" as I said

He looked at me

" It's about Alex"

Flashback starts

Grayson's POV

" Hey bromie I'm gonna go to Alex's house"

Ethan nodded okay and I got out.

I got inside my car and went.


I knocked on Alex is door and it opened up slowly.

" Hello is anybody here?"

There was no noise.

I checked inside the living room and she wasn't there.

" Haha i love you too"

What the hell. Did I just hear Alex saying I love you, too who?
I went up the stairs slowly and I can hear Alex laughing and somebody else.

Her bed room door was open a little and I could see her, I peeked through, I saw

" JACK!"

They both pulled away looking at me.

" I thought you was ill you bastard!"

" I'm feeling better now"

I went up to Jack and punched him in the noise and he fell, he got back up and punched me on the stomach, making me fall.

" Guys stop!" As Alex shouted , but me and Jack ignored her.

I hit him near his lip, making it bleed a bit.
I then hit him on his eyes.

" Get the fuck out off here you dick face" as I shouted at him.

He got up and left

" This is not finished yet Grayson"

" Suck my dick" as I shouted back.

I saw Alex sitting on the edge of her bed, she was crying.

" What were you doing with him?"

She didn't answer me, she kept crying more and more and more.


She looked at me

" we were just hanging out Grayson"

" oh, so your hanging out with Hannah's boyfriend in your room"

" It doesn't look like nothing Grayson I swear"


She looked back down and cried.

I started walking near the door, but before I didn't get out I told her that we were done.

Flashback ends.

Grayson's POV

" So you saw her with some other guy" asked Hannah

I nodded my head.

I couldn't tell Hannah that the guy was Jack, she's already upset because of my dick brother.

" Grayson everything will be okay just don't worry"

She gave me hug and left for lesson.

This is jacks point of view now

Jack's POV

I got home quickly, and got inside my house.

Hannah messaged me saying she was gonna come here.
I told her I was ill but I was feeling better. I realised that my eyes were red and my nose and my lips, so it was good excuse for her to say that I was ill.

Flashback ends

That was weird, so basically Jack cheated on Hannah with Alex, and Grayson saw them together and now Grayson and Alex split up , Grayson told Hannah about Alex but he never told her that the guy was Jack, and jack lied to Hannah. Very confusing.

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