Arriving to NJ

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We finally got out from the plane!
I felt sick, cause the flight was 7 hours and 30 minutes.
We arrived here at night time, so we just really called a quick cab and headed to our new home.

Hannah: mum, how quick did you find a new house here?
Mum: well when my boss told me we were moving to New Jersey she said she found us a new home as well.

I nodded at my mum.

Mum: Thank you
As she spoke to the cab driver handing him the money.

Hannah: Wow!

Our new house was really big and beautiful. We enter in the house.
Everything was empty.
My mum opened the lights leaving me wowed even more. This house was enormous. I had a feeling that I was gonna get lost in my new home , just like 50 cent.

I run upstairs to find to many doors.
I finally found a room.

Hannah: Mum! I'm getting the bigger room
As I shout

mum laughs meaning that ' Okay '
I put my luggage down behind the door. I went downstairs.
I felt really bored.
I wanted to talk to my friend Jessica but my phone was not really working cause it fell in the water!

It was 9:30 and me and my mum had nothing to do really.

Knock knock

Hannah: I'll open it mum

I ran to door, thinking who could it be.
I open the door, leaving me there surprised, two handsome boys where standing there, giving me smiles as they handed me a plate of cookies.

" Hey, I guess your our new neighbours"

I nodded my head.

" We wanted to say hi by bringing cookies, which my mum made"

I smiled.

Hannah: Thank you

" I'm Ethan "
" And I'm Grayson"

Hannah: you two look very a like, are you too twins?

They both laughed and nodded.

" Hey I'm really sorry, I would love to get to know you better but we have to go" as Ethan said I think...
I already confused them.

Hannah: Bye guys

I closed the door leaving me there surprised, they both looked cute and I really like Ethan... was it Ethan? He was really cute.

I put the cookies on the desk leaving them there.

" Who was that?" As my mum asks
" Oh our next door neighbour" I said

She saw that I had cookies so she New that they gave it.

" Mmm tasting delicious" as I took a bite
" There very good Han" as my mum ate one too.

Ohh Hannah already met the twins!
She's already confusing who's who, and she likes Ethan.
Do you think Ethan likes her back?
Find out from the next chapter.

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbourWhere stories live. Discover now