Too much fight

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Hannah POV
I woke up to a beautiful sunny day, the time was 7:30.

" Oh my gosh, Jack get up!"

I pushed him out off the bed and he fell to the floor.

" Hey good morning to you too" he got up

" Get dressed were gonna be late!" I wrapped the duvet around me and got up.

" I saw you naked last night so don't hide anything away from me" he smirked while getting dressed

" Oh shut up you" I said giggling.

I got my clothes and went inside the bath room, I got dressed real quick tied my hair into my messy bun and got out.

I pulled Jack by his hand, and we strolled outside.

" No make up today?" He asked while getting inside the car.

I didn't say nothing and as he started to drive, I put foundation on quickly and some mascara.

" Oh so your gonna put make up on in my car"

I carried in with my make up ignoring him.

We stopped at a traffic light.

" Hey Hannah its only 8:05 let's get something to drink?"

" Yeah there's still time"

We stopped at Starbucks, and got our drinks.

We arrived at school 8:35.

" Bye babes" Jack said while pulling me into a kiss.

Before I could say bye he kissed me and left.

" Hey"

" Hey Alex"

" Hey bitch"

" Hey small dick"

" Don't say that to my boyfriend"

" Alex come on he has a small dick"

" But in bed its big"

We all laughed, Grayson's face went red.

" Aw"

" Hannah what lesson are you free at?"

" Lesson 2 why?"

" Same here meet me at the back of the school" as Grayson said

I nodded.


" What is it Grayson?"

" Hannah, I want you to be honest with me okay?"

" Okayy"

" Are you going out with Jack?"

I nodded.

" well last night Ethan saw you kissing Jack"

" Look Grayson I don't care, if he likes me he shouldn't of went with Meredith."

" Hannah he was trying to make you jealous!"

I went silent. He was trying to make me jealous?

" Jealous for what?"

" I don't know Hannah"


" Hannah you gonna sit with us?" As Alex asked

We all got our lunch.

" No I'm gonna go sit with"

Ethan looked at me

" Jack"

I went next to jack and sat with him.

I pulled Jack into me kissing him.

I saw Ethan looking over and he looked angry all ready...

Well good let the game begin, mr Ethan

" How are you?"

" Good"


Finally it was our last lesson.

We had English

Omg nearly everyone I new was in there.
Meredith, Grayson, Ethan, Alex and Jack.

" Okay class, let's settle in be quiet!" she smacked her hand again the desk.
The class went dead silent.
" So can someone tell me who read the last nights chapter?" She mazes through the class
" Ahh Mr Ethan why don't you tell us what's happened in the book?"

We were reading about Romeo and Juliet.

"Well , Romeo was at a party, he got drunk so his friends helped him out"
" Drunk?" As the teacher asked
" It's cause he wanted to see Juliet" Ethan said
Ms, Laurence looked around the class, " Does anyone has anything else to say before we carry on?"
I took a shaky breath and looked at her.
" Romeo doesn't care" I said
" Pardon, Ms. Cara?" She asked
" Romeo didn't care" I said a little louder, she nodded agreeing with me.
" He's actually quite pathetic" I said
" Mopping over some girl that rejected him" I said and glanced at Ethan.
" He was in love" Ethan fought back.
" If you call that a love than sure" I said.
" Good point, Ms. cara" as Ms Laurence spoke. I crossed my arms over my chest.
" But he realised he wanted someone else" Ethan said.
" And he was in love"
" Romeo shouldn't have been so stupid in the first place" I said
" Maybe Juliet should explain to Romeo what happened" Ethan said " I feel his confused"
" I think everyone knows why Juliet isn't talking to Romeo" I said and licked my lips
" More likely Romeo isn't talking to Juliet" Grayson said under his breath.
I turn around and glared at him.
" Romeo doesn't" Ethan said
" If Romeo wasn't so stupid, he still could have been friends with her" I said
" I think Juliet should tell Romeo about what's happened" he said
" Romeo can't fix the problem" I said " He's ruined everything!"
I think we were the only ones here to notice that we were only talking about that book. Ethan then didn't respond after that. I took a shaky breath again, and signed.
" Well" Ms Laurence said
" What a interesting conversation" and she looked at the both of us. " looks like Romeo and Juliet have to figure out a way to forgive each other" she said and looked at us again.
I slumped in my chair.

Oh crap, Ethan and Hannah had a go at each other in English, but they craved in with Romeo and Juliet

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