Everythings changing

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I walked into school, only holding hands with the boy I love.

Yes you guessed it right.
I'm with Ethan Grant Dolan the only boy that I love and will always love.

We walked to my locker putting my bag away.

" Babes I'm gonna go to class" Ethan said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

As he left I looked around. I walked slowly down the hall.

Well, Meredith is dating Alexis who New that Meredith was a lesbian or bisexual. People bullied her a lot cause she was dating a girl. She nearly overdosed herself but luckily
I stopped Meredith, we all respect her. We all went to LGBT pride day in London and she had the best time of her life. Jack was not dating anyone. He is the sport team captain, we are still talking but not very much just a ' hi and a ' bye'.

Grayson was back together with Alex, they were getting married! I'm really happy for both off them. I'm wishing the best for them.

Well, the crazy girl , Aroosa and Toni got engaged, Aroosa has changed and she's normal, well at least that's what we think. People hate her cause she was going out with the hottest boy in school but you know she got lucky and now she has him so the bitches in our school are jealous, we'll all I can say is shame.
Wishing the best for Aroosa and Toni.

Well my life has changed, me and Ethan are going out. The day he told me he loved me was quite strange...

Quick flashback...............

Me and Ethan were going somewhere.

" Han we need to go the petrol station "

I nodded my head.
He turned left and quickly we made it to the station.
He got out from his car. I was in the car waiting for him when I heard him cough.

I turn around to see Ethan on the floor. He was touching his heart.
" Ethan?!" I got out from the car and bend down on my knees.

" Get away from me" he said harshly

I got scared and got up. He was breathing hard. He reminded me of teen wolf when Scott was turning into a werewolf.

I went backwards I was crying.
People from the station saw me and came and helped me. They called the police.

" Why you calling the police?" I asked

" He might have a gun on him"

I frowned my eyebrows at the man.

" Look where his hands at" the man said pointing towards Ethan.

I looked at Ethan his hand was near the inside pocket of his jacket.

" Get away from me!" Ethan shouted

Everybody went backwards. Trying to calm me down.
After 6 minutes the police quickly came.

" Everybody move out the way!" The police man shouted, we all done what the police man told us to do.

Only too off them was there. These two polices reminded me of someone.
But couldn't figure out who.

One of them was standing weird.

" Yeah everybody fucking back up!"

The policeman walked towards Ethan and slowly bend down.

He called the other police women ( I'll say) she ran and jumped and bent down.

What the fuck?

I slowly got up trying to watch what they were doing.

They moved away from Ethan. We all watched him as he was slowly moving his hand away from his inside pocket.

" Move you hand from there sir" policeman shouted

Ethan frowned at him and then looked at me all angrily.

I slowly walked up too him.

Everyone was watching us.

" Hannah" he said slowly

He moved his hand away from his jacket.

" Oh my god Ethan" I bend down and cried

It was a piece of paper, that wrote I love you.

He got up from the floor and hugged me. Everyone was clapping.

" Congrats you too" the policeman said but it wasn't a real police was Grayson.

" Yeah congrats you idiots"

" Omg Grayson! Aroosa"
They all came and hugged us.

Ends flashback

Yeah I know right that was a weird ' I love you scene'

" Hey" Alex said

" Hi" I said back

" Hey bitch" Grayson said

" Hey little dick" I said

I holded Alex is hand as she holded Graysons hand.

" Hey guys" as Toni said.

" Hey"
He got in line with us and holded my hand.

He was holding Aroosa's hand.

We all walked proudly. Down the hall everyone looking us at.

" Hey guys" as Meredith said and came and joined us with Alexis.

She holded Aroosa's hand

Oh did I tell you they're friends right now.

I looked at all of us, and smiled.

We made our way out of the hall and opened the two double doors that made the way to the outside place.

" Aren't we missing somone?" Grayson asked.

I smiled and looked right opposite me.

Ethan looked back at me and ran towards me.

He picked me up and swung me around. He put me back on the ground and kissed me in my forehead.

Finally, I holded back Alex is hand and Ethan got in between us. We all walked proudly.

That was a weird ending. I was thinking about something like. They're all in the hall walking, holding hands smiling at each other.

We've got 2 more chapters 😦😊😊✌🏼

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