Weirdo in love?

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" Bitches bitches bitches have you seen that hot guy?" As Aroosa asked me and Meredith

" Yeah I've seen him" I said

" How is he?" She asked she went up in my face

" Kinda..."

" Kinda what?" She asked

" Aroosa get back a bit" I said

She did what I told her to do.

We all sat down and Meredith was eating her cake with custard, but me and Aroosa wasn't eating.

" I asked you a question bitch" she said

" He's alright" I said

" Merehoe how did you find that new guy?" She asked

" Well..." as Meredith said she started eating her cake " He's kinda hot, them eyes them muscles" she snickered while looking at Aroosa.

I could see Arooa's face going red

" That wasn't a good idea" I whispered to Meredith

" Haha what she gonna do?"

Aroosa climbed on the table

' Oh shit'

She poured the custard on Meredith

" That's what I was gonna do merehoe!"

She then run away, I helped clean up Meredith, I felt sad for Meredith but the other side of me didn't.

Btw this is the next day

We all sat down in the canteen.

" Hey guys, it's good to be back altogether right?" I said in a loud tone voice so that they could hear me

Grayson looked at me and then looked back at his food and ate it.
Alex was sitting next to me and Grayson was on the other side of me, Ethan and Meredith was together.

" Yeah it's good to be back together" Ethan said and gave a little smile at me.

I smiled back at him.

" who's that guy over there?" Alex asked

" Why do you have feelings for him?" Grayson shouted and stood up looking at Alex

" Grayson fuck you sit back down, I asked who that guy was?" Alex said

I pulled Grayson by his arm and he sat back down.

" Yeah Alex his new, his name is Toni." I said

" Nice na-"

" So your trying to say my name is shit" Grayson shouted

" Omg Grayson shut up" Alex shot back at him

Grayson looked back at his food and ate.

" Hey have any of you seen that weirdo?" Ethan asked

" She's not a weirdo and no I haven't se-"


We all turned around and woahh.
It was Aroosa, she's looked soo...

" Hey isn't that the weirdo?" Ethan asked his mouth open.

" Hey shut your mouth" Meredith said trying to close his mouth.

" Wow she looks really ho-" Grayson said his mouth open

" So what I look ugly?" Alex shouted

" Alex shhs " Meredith said

We all couldn't believe our eyes, Aroosa has changed. She was wearing a crop top and ripped jeans, her was very long and we couldn't see that cause she always had her hair in a bun, she had a full make up on. She walked over to us and sat next to Meredith.

" Grayson close your mouth" she ordered him too do and he closed it.

Alex me and Meredith were eating while Ethan and Grayson was looking at Aroosa.

Meredith kept turning Ethan's head around but he wouldn't stop looking at her.
Alex kept poking Grayson behind me but he still looked at her.

" Guys I'm going over to that guy he looks really lonely" she got up and went ex to Toni.

" Wow she's really beautiful I haven't really seen her like this before" Ethan said eating his sandwich.

Toni's POV

Wow, that weirdo wasn't a weirdo anymore she looked really beautiful, she came and sat next to me and played with her hair.

" Hey" she said

I couldn't talk, my friend poked me on the other side.

" Where gonna go" he said and left me and her on the table

" Hi" I said back

She smiled and at next to me.

" Erm... You look really pretty" I told her

She smiled and looked at me.

" your eyes are pretty" she said

I smiled back at her and stared at her. Our faces were inches apart.
I leaned in closer and we were really close to kiss until.

" Hey bro we've got practise" Ethan said

I looked at Ethan and gave him a look.

" sorry but we've got practise" he said

I looked back at Aroosa.

" Um...I gotta go see you around"

" Yeah okay...bye"
Me Ethan and Grayson were walking to the sports hall.

" Bro you came and ruined our fucking moment"

" You was gonna kiss that weirdo" Grayson said

" She's not a weirdo" he said

" Oh so you can't hear her shouting at my girlfriend again?" Ethan asked

" No your boyfriend fucking ruined it"

I could hear her shouting again. Her voice, wow!

" Yeah probably she made her angry" I said

" Ugh, guys stop arguing we gotta go we've got 6 minutes for practise" Grayson said.

Okay, Aroosa fell in love with Toni. That's cute.

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