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" Hannah hurry up" as Grayson shouted

" I'm coming Grayson"

" Your not going to a beauty contest where just going school"

I quickly got my phone and bag and rushed down the stairs.

" Oww!"

I fell to the floor.

" What happened?"

" Because of you Grayson I hit my toe near the chair"

He picked me up, and we got inside the car.

" You were pretty early today" Ethan said

" Shut up you"

" Ready to get hyped again?"

" No please"

They turn the music on and...

" this is my fav song leave it on"

" Ugh! I hate this song"



We got to school, and Ethan and Grayson looked bored.

" That song is my favourite" I smiled at them

" Well Hannah you didn't really had to reply it 50 times"

" Love you too Grayson" I smiled at him and went inside.

As I got inside, I saw Meredith and Alex.

" Hey girls" I said

" Don't fucking hey me bitch"

I looked at Meredith, what was going on?

" What's the problem here?"

" You, you are the problem here!"

" Meredith what have I done?"

" You kissed Ethan you bitch"

" But sir pushed up together"

" Yeah well you could of backed up"

" I did Meredith I did"

" Don't believe so, now go away I don't wanna see your face"

I looked Alex, she looked upset.

" If your thinking that Alex is gonna come with you, you thought wrong"

She pulled Alex away from.

I turn around and left.

I just lost one of my best friends. A slight tear rolled down and I quickly swiped it so know one can see it.

" Hey"

I turn around to see Ethan.

" Go away Ethan"

He followed me, he pulled me towards him.

" Why you upset?"

" Nothing .... nothings wrong"

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbourWhere stories live. Discover now