Something beautiful

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2 months later. Btw high school is finished

" Guys look at her, I'm gonna cry" I said as we stood there looking at Alex.

" She looks beautiful" Meredith said

Alex was wearing her wedding dress. And yes today was the day when Grayson and her was getting married.

 And yes today was the day when Grayson and her was getting married

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She turned around. She was so happy until her beautiful smile disappears away.

" What's wrong?" As Aroosa asked

We all went to help her.

" I just wish that my parents where here to see this day" she said sobbing.

We hugged her.

Beep beep

" Guys Grayson sent me a photo" I said
They all ran up to me. He was wearing his suit.

" That's my baby" Alex said

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" That's my baby" Alex said

I messaged him back telling him she was doing good. He asked me to send a picture of her but I didn't. He kept messaging me but I ignored it.


" DIRTY DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT THATS WHAT YOUR LOVE MAKE ME FEEL LIKE" we all sang in the car as we were going to the salon to get Alex is hair done and also ours done.

" Girls where here" Alexis said , she looked at Meredith and kissed her. Aww they where too cute.

We all got out from the car and entered into the salon.

" wow" I said
When we were all done we looked at each other in the mirror. And took pictures.
As we go outside. The driver was there.
We all got inside the car.

When we finally arrived. Lots and lots of people where there. We got into the back, and Grayson still wasn't there. But Ethan...oh my. I ran up to him and hugged him.

" Doesn't my princess look beautiful" he said kissing me in the lips.
" Doesn't my king look gorgeous" I said and kissed him on the cheek,
He pulled me closer and put his arms around my waist. He squeezed me but.

" Hey Ethan" I said hitting his chest

The girls laughed behind us,

" How cute" Alex said

Ethan pulled me closer and kissed me in the lips.

" Aww" the girls said

Ethan looked at them and glared at them as a joke. He looked back at me and whispered into my ear.
" Were gonna carry this on but further more in bed" he said into my ear making me shiver. I looked at me and winked then left.

" Guys I can't imagine this is happening" Alex said running over to the mirror to fix some of her hair, the wind all ready messed up our hair.

" Were really happy for you Alex" I said

While Alex was doing her hair, she didn't realise that Grayson got inside. We all kept quiet.

" Girls does my hair look better?" She asked

We all looked at Grayson.

" Yes babes it looks perfectly fine" he said

Alex turned around and ran to him.

She tripped over her dress but luckily Grayson holded her.

" Be careful babes" he said and kissed her.

" I love you Grayson"

" I love you Alex"

They both kissed. For a long time... until someone had to ruin it.

" Guys it's time to go" the security guard said.

We all got out and made our way to the entrance. I stayed opposite Aroosa while Alexis and Meredith stayed opposite each other he held the roses in our hands and waited for Grayson and Alex.

The music played. And Alex and Grayson made there way down the aisle. Everyone clapped.

I looked over to Ethan. He looked really happy.

I saw Lisa crying of happiness and Sean was really happy.

As they walked down the aisle they came and stood in front of a big table.

The man talked a lot. Until he finally came to the best part ever that we've all been waiting for.

" Mr.Dolan do you take Alex Chiran as your wife?"
Grayson looked at Alex smiled at her and then looked over back at the crowd, he had a big smile
" Yes"
" Mrs. Alex do you take Grayson Baile-"
" Please just call me by my name" Grayson said
" Sorry, as I was saying. Mrs. Alex do you take Grayson Dolan to be your husband?"
Alex looked at Grayson and smiled.
" Yes"

They both signed the paper, and officially now they are husband and wife,

While we was all dancing the music changed the...

" Isn't this All eyes on me?" Grayson said
We turned around and heard...

" Oh my god not again" Ethan said

We saw Aroosa she has changed her outfit to a sausage costume with a chainsaw.

" Get this party hyped!"

We all got on to the dance floor and danced.
We had so much fun dancing singing laughing drinking.

As I went to sit down cause I was so tired.

The slow music played. Meredith was slow dancing with Alexis . So was Grayson & Alex. And Toni and Aroosa ( btw she changed back into her dress ) Ethan was in middle of the dance floor looking lost. He looked at me and out his arms out.
I got up and went to slow dance with him.


" Guys that was the best day every today" Aroosa said , she was drunk

I hugged the both off them as they were getting into the car to leave for there honeymoon.

" I'm gonna miss you loads" I said to them

As I hugged Alex I whispered into her ear...

" Don't forget the protection"

She laughed.
And nodded her head yes.

They both got inside the car. And went.

I turn around and got inside Ethan's car.

" That was beautiful" I said making myself comfortable

Ethan didn't say nothing. He looked like he was about to cry.

" Ethan why you crying?"

" My best friend/ Twin brother the only close brother I have just got married before me, and I'm gonna miss him so much" he said

Before he drove off I hold his hands and make him look at me.

" Ethan, his still your twin brother. And don't worry one day you'll get married as well" I said

I wiped of his tears and kissed him.

I think that made him feel better cause.

He opened high school musical ' breaking free'

Last chapter is the next one

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