A new friend

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As we all sat together, we ate lunch.

" Hey guys do you hear that?"

They looked at me.

We can hear someone shouting ' Yo I'm back! Yo I'm back' and the more they shouted the closer they were getting.


" Yo bitches I'm back"

A girl pushed the canteens door wide open enough for them to break, her two arms were wide open in the air and her legs where wide open.

The canteen went dead silent, we all looked at her.

" What the fuck"

She ran towards the food and got two potatoes with her hands she came running towards us.

" Hey it's Aroosa" as Alex said

Aroosa came running towards Meredith

" Hey Meredith"

She smacked the potatoes on her face.
She then jumped like a crazy person and sat with us.

" Wassup my bitches" she took one of my chips. And gave me a creepy smile.

" Yoo" as Alex said

" Who dafaq is she?" She pointed at me

" She's Hanna-"

" Oh okay hi Hannah" she said

" Hey" I took a deep breath.


Aroosa was pretty weird, in class she sits at the back in nearly every lesson, whenever I turn around I either see her with two legs up or she's acting weird, she makes me laugh.

Me and Aroosa was walking at the back while Alex and Grayson were flirting with each other...in the toilets, and Ethan and Meredith was walking in front of us

" Ya bish I'm gonna fuck this chick up" as she whispered into my ear.
I tried pulling her away but she kicked Meredith pretty hard and she fell on the floor hitting her face, but luckily she was okay.

" Hey! Stop being so annoying" Ethan shouted at her while helping Meredith on the floor.

" Suck my balls" Aroosa shouted at him.


" Hey Aroosa we should drop you home?" As Grayson asked but it was too late.

She got her Electric scooter and went, you can hear her sing loud.


" Wow she's kah-ray-zee" as Grayson said

We all got into the car, the whole car journey was dead silent. I wasn't really in the mood, and so was not everyone in the car.

I didn't wanted to look right next to me cause Meredith and Ethan were flirting.

Beep beep

J: hey Babes sorry I haven't been in for 2 days I'm not feeling well.

H: oh Jack I hope everything's okay I was worried about you

I was waiting for a reply back but he never answered me back.

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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbourWhere stories live. Discover now