Accident kiss

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" Hey Ethan come to my house after school for the homework project"

" No you come to mine" as he said

" Ethan no you come to mine"

He looked at me dead, I gave him a smile and went to lesson.

After when lesson finished, me Ethan and Meredith went to lunch together. Alex still never came to school, Jack was still ill , Grayson flied out to London for him to clear out his mind.

" So I'm not gonna be coming for the whole of next week cause I'm going Spain for my Moms dad birthday" as Meredith said

" Why for the whole week?"

" his birthdays on a Wednesday so Monday where gonna get the sole stuff and Tuesday, Wednesday we celebrating, and then the rest of the days is just free time" she said while eating her food.


" So Hannah the banana let's get to your house than" Ethan said while driving.

I laughed how he called me banana. I opened music and he closed it back.

" Hey ethan"

" uh huh no music today"

I frowned my eyebrows and crossed my arms against my chest.

I was looking outside although I can see Ethan staring at me.

" Stare at the road before we don't have a crash" I said

I heard him smirk, I looked back at him.

" Why are you with Meredith?"

" Because she makes me happy"
No it's because I'm trying to forget about you

" She doesn't make you happy dick"

" She does, she does make me happy"
I want you to make me happy

I nodded my head, I knew Meredith was going to do something stupid again to break Ethan's heart, and this time it's not going to end up good.

" Hannah, why are you with Jack?"

I looked at him.

" It's because I love him"
No I don't I love you Ethan

Ethan looked back at me and didn't say nothing.


" Is anyone at home?"

I shake my head no, we enter in.

" Wow your house is more better than mine"

" Okay Ethan now shut up go upstairs I'll be back"

He ran upstairs shouting.

" Which ones your room?"

" Which one could it be Ethan!"

" Oh okay "

I giggled a little bit, of how cute he is and how stupid he can be sometimes. I poured lemonade into the cups and went upstairs. When I enter in I see Ethan lying on my bed with no shirt on, oh he looked so sexy.

" Et-Ethan? He looked at me and smirked

I put the drinks on the desk, and stood there.

" Hannah come here" he patted his hand near the space next to him.

I shake me head no, and he got up picked me up and threw me to my bed.

" This is gonna be fun" he said undoing his belt.

That was the end, oh yeah you where waiting for the sex part, I'm not gonna write that but one of any chapter there will be smut but wait for it.

Go blast

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