Super awkward

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" Grayson have you heard about the party for Friday?"

" Yeah"

He started the car.

" No music today?" As I asked

" No" his voice cracked, he wasn't looking happy

" Is everything okay?"

He nodded, but never said nothing.
This whole car journey was silent, Grayson dropped me home.

Meredith's POV

I was sitting on my bed, and no one was at home I decide to watch Riverdale.

After an hour, I heard something from down stairs. I got up slowly walking towards my door I took a deep breath in and opened it.
From the stair case I looked down and saw something red.

" What the?" As I thought to myself

I slowly made my way down trying not to make a noise.

" And get this and get this, oh what about this!"

I heard them talk themselves, the sound was familiar like really familiar.
I made my down and...

" Ohh Meredith" It spoke in a Irish accent

" What the hell? It's not even Christmas yet get out my house!" As I shouted

" Let's me just grab one more thing" it said and ran towards the kitchen.

It came back running with bunch off, plates , forks and cups, and cookies.

" Bee buy" it said running weirdly.

' Well that was weird'

Hannah's POV

" Alright Jack, I'll be there bye"

I got my car keys and went.

" Oh my lovely I haven't seen you"
My mum came hugging me, I haven't seen her because she's really busy.

" Mum I've missed you a lot" I gave her a tight hug.

" Where you going?"

" To my friends house"

She nodded and waved good bye.

I got inside my car and drove to Jack's house.
He lived quite far away.

As I stopped at a traffic light, it started to ran heavily which caused to much traffic.

' Oh my god'

I opened music.

After 10 minutes I was still in traffic, I quickly messaged Jack telling him I'll be a little late cause there's too much traffic.

He replied back with an ' Okay'

The traffic wouldn't even move, only about 2 or 1 car would pass then the light would stop.

As I got my phone to check my feeds, someone was banging on my window.

I looked up and...

" Jesus Christ!"

It was Santa Clause, well at least I don't think so.

" Wassub my bish"

" Aroosa!"

She shakes my hand in a weird way making funny gestures.

" Why you dressed up as a Santa?"

" Cause is Christmas bitch" she shoved a handful off cookies in her mouth.

" It's not Christmas yet" as I told her

" calendar said Christmas"

" What year is it in?"

" Last years" she started to laugh weirdly

Finally we got to move.


I dropped off aroosa to her house, and went to Jacks house.

He opened, the duvet was all around him. His nose was red and he had some many bags under his eyes

" Omg Jack" I hugged him and he pulled me back

" You don't wanna catch my illness" he said he closed the door behind me and we entered into his living room.

He lied on my stomach and we interacted our hands together.

" Hannah?"

I looked at him.

" Do like Ethan? Cause I heard someone say so"

" Who said that jack I love you"

He got up and looked at me.

" Jack..." I leaned in closer to kiss him but he backed off.

" I wanna kiss" I moaned at him

" Me too Hannah but I'm ill"


I got back home and I saw Ethan running down the street.
I wanted to talk to him, so I tried catching up with him but I lost sight

I stopped, breathing heavily.

As I was about to start walking someone from behind me grabbed me and pulled me into them.

I gasped.

" Ethan!" He put his hand over my mouth for me not to shout.

" Shhs!"

He put his hand around my waist, and looked at me in the eyes.

" Why were you following me?"

" I wasn't following you Ethan"

He smirked and looked at me.

He came in closer, then backed off he was teasing me, he was testing me if I really wanted to kiss him back.

That's ere I'm ending it, cause I dot know what to write.

Aroosa is literally a funny character but one day she will fall in love.

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbourWhere stories live. Discover now