Sexting with....

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Bastard Macy didn't invite me to her party, she don't like me, well that's her problem.

I was lying in bed. Staring at the ceiling. After 2 minutes something hit my window, I slowly got up front my bed. Someone hit my window again. Shit!
I looked through the window too see nothing. I turn back around but they hit it again. I open my window to reveal two hands I gasped and went backwards.

" You bish why wouldn't you answer your
I got up from the floor to see Aroosa dressed up as a...
" Aroosa what the fuck!"
" You like my dress"
" That's not a dress that's a-"
" I know I know it's sick ain't it?"
" Your scaring me" I stepped back
" Do you wanna play a game?"
" Aroosa stop"
" Where gonna have lots of fun" she said
" Aroosa aren't you invited to the party?"

She stopped and clapped her hands together.

" Aww! I gotta go bitch I'll play games after" she said and jumped out the window.

" Oh my, Aroosa are you okay?" I shouted and ran towards the window to see if she was okay. But she was already gone.

Grayson's POV

" This party gonna be lit!"

I hoovered over the room trying to find

" There you are!" I said trying to hold him up

" You look sexy Grayson if I was a girl I'd fuck you already" Ethan said and smirked.

" shut up Ethan" I helped him sit on the couch

" How many drinks did you have already?"

He looked at his fingers.

" I drank 6 " he said

I ran a hand through my hair. I looked around the room trying to find Meredith

" Where's meredith?"

" Oh that s-s-slut is is slut" Ethan shouted

I got up to look for Meredith. Someone tapped me on the shoulder...

" Jesus Christ! Aroosa what the fuck!"

" Heheh" she said in a creepy way

" It's not Halloween , and why do you have a chainsaw?"

She went, she walked away really creepy.

" ARGHHH!" I turn around and saw Aroosa screaming.

I ran up to her, she was shaking she gritted her teeth. Her eyes were looking somewhere else and they twitched.

I followed her eyes to see..

"MEREHOE RUN!" As Aroosa shouted she turned on the engine. And chased Meredith.

" Your gonna die bitch!"

" Arghh! Help" Meredith shouted

I stopped Meredith and holded her behind me"

" Aroosa stop it"

I saw Toni coming and took Aroosa away.

" Mereho- I mean Meredith what the fuck are you doing?" I asked her.

" I was, I mean I wasn't doing nothing" she said

" Why is ethan drunk?"

She shook her head

She came in closer and whispered...

" This is just the start wait till the end" she smirked and kissed me on the cheek and left.

What the fuck was that for?

Hannah's POV

I sat on my bed, there was too much drama going on right now and I had to rest!

Beep beep

Unknown number:
Hi sex

What the hell?

Me: I'm not sex who are you?

Unknown number: I don't know who I am but I want you

Me: What's your name?

Unknown number: I don't know my name but they call me e tea

I laughed, I think this person was drunk. And they got the wrong number.

Unknown number: what's your name?

Me: I don't tell strangers my name

Unknown number: what you say, I want sex

Me: Are you drunk?

Unknown number: I don't know I had 6 bottles

Me: that's a lot

I waited for his reply but he didn't message me. I lyed on my bed and put my phone to the other side.

Who was this person?
Who could it be?

I went on my phone and checked my contact list, I already had this number but never saved it as who. Well that was weird.

Grayson's POV

" Ethan"

I saw Ethan on his phone texting someone

I snatched the phone off him and he was texting a unknown number.

" Ethan who is this?"

He snatched it back off me.

" You aren't the boss off me!" He shouted and got up, well he got up to quickly he fell backwards.

" Woah that was awesome!"

I looked down.

" Ay I'm gonna go upstairs" he said and slowly he made his way.

Hannah's POV

Unknown number: I want you

Me: I don't know you

Unknown number how about we send videos but nake

I didn't really know about this, Jack hasn't talked to me for a week, and I need to get Ethan off my mind.

Me: maybe....

I smiled a little.

Unknown number: Don't tease daddy

I put my phone to the other side and laughed. I started at the ceiling.

Beep beep

Unknown number: sent a video

I really wasn't hoping he actually send me a naked video of himself.

I opened the video.

It was him, I could only see his bottom face, up to his nose. He was lying in bed. He had one finger in his mouth, and he was moaning.

That fucking turned me on

He was whispering " Make daddy proud baby girl"

Well this boy was drunk as fuck

Unknown number: Did that turn you on baby girl?

I didn't message him back.

I opened my camera/video and took off my top leaving me only in my bra.

I started to video myself.

Hahaha I'm sorry if this took long, I just didn't have time to write and I didn't feel like writing and also I didn't know what to write, I wrote half of this at school yesterday with a friend and she helped me, thank you a lot for the idea.

This idea was from: Aroosa thank you ❤️❤️

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