A Painful Sight

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This chapter is on Yato's point of view while everything from the previous chapter was taking place. Please enjoy!

Also, take a look at my other book - Levi x Reader x Eren Who Will be the One?

Yato's P.O.V.

"So that's where you guys were looking before, right?" I asked the four people standing in front of me. Hiyori nodded in response which meant that the house that they were looking into yesterday was the place that I was held captive...where (f/n) is being held captive now. I recruited Bishamon and her team for help because we'll need all the help we can get, however, Father is mine to deal with. She said that they were on the way over to Kofuku's house right now.

"Hiyori, I want you to stay outside where it's safe. I'll have someone stay by your side when while we're in there." I said to her.

"No way. I'm going in there with you to save her!" She replied to me. I shook my head at her. "It's do dangerous for you. I'm not risking losing you too!" She added.

"You won't be safe in there, you'd be in the way." I said to her.

"I won't be safe out there either and you know it. I'm coming with you and that's final." She replied.

I wasn't going to fight her because she's stubborn and she wasn't wrong with what she said. Then, a knock at the door came. Kofuku answered it and revealed Bishamon and her regalias. "Stupid. You're always putting someone in danger because of your stupid actions." Bishamon said to me.

"I'd fight with you right now, but we have something more important to tend to right now." I replied while rolling my eyes at her.

"Why do you think they want her?" Bishamon asked.

"Because she asked for Father to take her instead of me. Which I don't understand because why would he take a human being rather than me?" I replied.

"Yato....is it possible that he knows?" Hiyori asked from behind. Bishamon and her group looked at us in confusion while it started to hit me.

"He knows because he's been following me. He's been having Nora follow all of us!" I exclaimed angrily. "That bastard, I'm gonna kill him."

"We should get going now. If we don't do something soon, (F/n) is going to end up suffering in some way." Bishamon said.

"I'll save you, (f/n)...." I muttered before adding, "Yukine! Let's go!"

--------Time Skip brought to you by King Mickey-------

It was around 7:30 AM by the time we got to the cabin. It was silent, so it didn't seem like Father started anything yet. "Let's split up. Bishamon, you and your crew will check the opposite side of the house. Kofuku, you and Daikoku will search to the right of us. Hiyori, Yukine, and I will look through these windows. If you see any sign of (f/n), come straight to us." I told everyone. 

"Right." Kazuma replied. "Please everyone, be safe." He added then left with Bishamon and the others. 

I started looking through one of the windows as soon as Bishamon, Kofuku, and their regalias disappeared around the corner. "Damn, no sign of her." I muttered to myself. "No sign of her in these rooms either, Yato." Hiyori said with Yukine by her side. 

"Damn it. Sekki!" I called forth the Blessed Vessel that was in my hands within the next few seconds. "We're going to break this very....carefully." I muttered to myself and Yukine. The next thing that happened, there was a loud break in the glass that was heard from the other side of the house because Bishamon and every one started running towards me.

"Is every one okay?" She asked. 

"It's just Yato being stupid again." Daikoku replied. 

"Shut up." I said to all of them as I went through the window. One by one we all let ourselves inside the house. It looked completely abandoned when we first stepped out into the hallway. It was dark and the air felt very heavy on our shoulders. "Milady!" One of Bishamon's regalias loudly whispered to her as we were about to enter the main room of the house. We all turned around to see that there was an open room at the end of the hallway, which of course we looked through. It looked as if it had been recently used by someone. 

Kofuku lifted up the sheets of the bed and put it to her nose to sniff it. "It's (f/n)." She said to me. I went to go check for myself and the scent was undoubtedly (f/n)'s. "We're definitely in the right place." I said to everyone. I took another step away from the bed when I see something catch my eye. There were markings on the headboard, like (f/n) was handcuffed to the bed. Those bastards.

I quickly moved back out of the room and everyone else followed. "Yato, she'll be okay." Hiyori whispered as she put her hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down. "I'll believe it when I see it." I replied. I held my Blessed Vessel upwards, ready for anything that might come at me. We entered the living room too see nothing but abandoned furniture and appliances. "Everyone split up." I said to them. Bishamon and her regalias started to look in the kitchen while Daikoku and Kofuku went back in the hallway to search the other rooms that we haven' looked at yet. Hiyori and I continued to search the living room area for any signs of her.

About 10 minutes had passed and we hadn't progressed whatsoever. "Yato!" Bishamon called from the kitchen area. I run over to her to see what was going on. As I came around the corner she was standing right in front of a door that was concealed quite impressively with a panty shelf. "I think this is it." She said to me. I nodded and signaled Hiyori, Kofuku, and Daikoku over to where we were. "I'll go first. You guys listen carefully for me and if anything goes wrong, come help. Otherwise, wait until I signal for the 'go.'" I told all of them to which they nodded. 

I silently opened the door and left it slightly ajar so that Bishamon and Kofuku could see for the signal. I eased myself down the stairs that lead into the basement of the house. As I got closer to the ground, I could hear whimpering and groaning of a girl that sounded an awful lot like (f/n). Just then, there was a really loud scream coming from the same voice. It was so loud that it was almost enough to make your ears bleed. I peeked from behind the wall to see (F/n) on a small table surrounded by a barrier of white light. Nora and two other of Father's regalias were performing the ritual while he was just standing there to the side with a grin on his face. 

"She seems to have no special kinds of phantoms on her either, Father." Said Nora.

"So it seems. Enough of that then. We can't waste too much time on trying to figure out what she is by going forth with experiments that are clearly not working." He replied to her. 

The ritual then stopped and (F/n) started gasping and choking for air. Father seemed to stand before her with his back to me. Do something you bastard.

"Yato." He said with his back still facing me. Damn, he's too good.

I slowly got up and walked out into the open. The gazes of Nora and the other regalias followed me but didn't seem to have any emotion upon their faces. Father then turned to face me and started smiling at me.

"She sure is a beauty, Yato. Don't you want to see her?" He asked as he stepped to the side to see a half naked (F/n) that was covered in scars and blood  -- She was literally laying in a pool of her own blood and it started dripping down the table.

My mouth was open and my eyes widened. I dropped down to my knees and tried to prevent the tears from falling but I couldn't help it. Not when (F/n) was laying helpless like this...I had to save her.

My rage slowly but surely started releasing out of me and I charged straight for him.


I don't know a good ending for this chapter but I had to stop it here! Please vote and comment if you like this story so far. I appreciate every single reader that's here right now! Much love <3

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