Not Doing This

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I've always known that there was some kind of spark between Yato and Hiyori, but all that changed when Yato took me to that waterfall. Their relationship took a backseat and I hadn't even considered how she felt about it. I felt selfish, I felt like a bad friend but it got me to thinking: what went on in that recovery room?

I couldn't face him like this. I wasn't mentally prepared for anything that he was going to say to me. I had to make up an excuse to leave.

"I was just stopping by to say hey to Hiyori. I actually promised uhhhh...Daikoku that I would help him out...with the uhh..the cooking! Yeah, because I was out the whole day yesterday so I figured I'd do some cleaning." I said and quickly walked past him without looking at him.

He didn't stop me and I walked into the other hallway and took a moment to breathe. Anxiety was really getting to me right now and it felt like my heart would explode at any second. I took a deep breath and peeked over to see what was going on. There were two windows that looked into the garden, so I was able to see what was happening. When I peeked over, I saw Yato walking over to Hiyori and sat down beside her. I couldn't make out what they were talking about but there was no emotion coming from either of them. It was hard to tell if anything good or bad was going on.

I didn't want to find out though. I walked away from the scene and into my room, closing the door behind me.


Yato's P.O.V.

*After he was brought into the recovery room two days ago.*

The pain for me was minimal. It barely hurt except for when I moved, but everyone made a big deal out of it. Hiyori followed me to the room as soon as I was being taken over there. She left (f/n) with the others. I didn't want Hiyori here and I wonder why (f/n) didn't follow her. She was the only person I wanted to see right now, but I didn't want to push Hiyori away.

I was stitched up by Bishamon's new doctor. A lot better than Kugaha, by a long shot. It looked like it was going to take me about four hours until the stab wound completely healed. I was exhausted though, but I didn't want to push Hiyori away.

"How's the pain?" She asked me when the doctor finished up the suturing.

"I'm completely fine, it's nothing I can't handle. I'm just tired from the fighting."

"Is he gone for good?"

"No. He's coming back for her, for all of us, but not anytime soon. (F/n) hurt Nora pretty badly so I don't see a fight coming anytime soon."

"You're not mad at her for all this?"

"For all of what?" I was starting to get more annoyed the more questions she asked.

"For injuring you, destroying Kofuku's house, for leaving us, putting all of our lives in danger?"

"She's family. We'd do the same if it were you, you know that."

"I know she's family, I don't care about that. I care that you're doing it for her because I know she's more than just family to you." Her voice got louder and tone was sounding angrier every time she spoke.

She's been causing nothing but unnecessary drama since she came outside of Kofuku's house to talk to me. So what if I think she's more than family to me? Why would she have so much hate against one of her dearest friends? But I didn't want to talk to Hiyori about it anymore. I turned over to face the wall and ignored her for the rest of the night.

She stayed, of course. There wasn't much I could do for her to leave me alone. I turned back over to find her sleeping with her back on the chair. I got up quietly and left the room. The first person I wanted to see was (f/n), so I went to go find her. I was mindlessly walking for a little bit - the house was too big to figure out where everyone was staying.

I navigated my way through many corridors to find myself in the kitchen area. Yukine and Daikoku seemed to be taking a break from cleaning. "Hey, Yato." Yukine said when he saw me walk in.

"Hey, where's (f/n)?" I asked him.

"She's resting, but Bishamon told me she wanted to see you when you're awake." He replied.

"Tell her it can wait, I'm going to see (f/n)." I told him.

"Yato, she's resting. She's exhausted, she's mentally and physically drained. It'd be wise to give her rest. You can see her whenever she wakes up."

I was finding myself beginning to get angry with the world, but he was right. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Bishamon's office.

The door was wide open and she was leaning against the front of her desk, talking to Kazuma. I walked inside towards the two and she immediately noticed me.

"We have to talk about (f/n)," was the first thing she said.

"I know." I told her. I stopped about eight feet in front of her and waited for her to start talking.

"I've never seen anything like this before. She doesn't know what she is and neither do any of us to the full extent. Did you notice the holy fire and the summoning of phantoms?" She asked to which I nodded my head.

She continued, "that's definitely powers of a hybrid. Her eyes even changed color during the whole thing. She's the strongest of any demon, of any angel I've ever seen. But we don't know how she came to be that way. There's something in her bloodline, unless something abnormal happened to her while she was with us. We have to help her figure out what that is. She could be dangerous, Yato, and we have to help her before something bad happens."

"She's not a danger to us." I stated.

"You don't know that, dumbass. She was lucky that the phantoms she summoned didn't come after us, but none of us know the true extent of her abilities and what she can do. A simple mistake could cost us greatly."

"We're not leaving her again! She's family, and whether you like it or not, she's staying right where she is. I'm not letting you throw her out!" My hands were fists right now, I was beyond angry with everyone at this point. I was going to protect her, no matter what happened.

"She's family, so we'll do everything we can to get this figured out. Either you're in it or you're out." I told her. She looked at me, her arms crossed on her chest, but didn't seem to be phased by how determined I was.

"She's family. We'll protect her at all costs." She simply stated.

Your P.O.V.

I was surprised that I wasn't crying my eyes out over Hiyori and Yato. She's been around longer than I have, so I just seem like the bad guy in this situation. No girl likes it when someone shows up all of a sudden and steals the attention of the person that you want to be with.

I took a deep breath and took a few more moments to myself to get my shit together. I wasn't going to be hurt this time, I wouldn't let my guard down. After about five minutes, I was ready to go back outside and put on a facade.

I opened my door wide open and almost jumped at the sight of Yato standing there, looking surprised to see me. "Why are you here?" I asked with a low voice, not being able to look at him in the eyes yet.

He stepped inside my room and closed the door behind him. He turned around to face me but I still couldn't look at him. Yato put his hand under my chin and lifted my face up so that I could look in his icy blue eyes. I was lost in them as I always was whenever I looked into his eyes. I wasn't sure how long we were standing like this, but he finally said something after what seemed like eternity.

Only two words: "Let's talk."

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