His Return

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Morning came by and I had Yato bring me to Bishamon so that I could speak with Kazuma. It was actually my first time being in Bishamon's area of residence. We walked inside the building and towards her office. The door was open and we found Kazuma and Bishamon discussing their own business. Yato knocked on the door to make our presence known to them.

"What do you want, idiot?" Bishamon asked Yato with an irritated look. 

"I'm here because I'm being dragged by (F/n). What exactly are you here for again?" He turned towards me.

"I'm here to talk to Kazuma about the other night." I said looking straight at Kazuma. He nodded and looked Bishamon who nodded in approval. Kazuma then walked over to me and led me out of the room. While we were walking away from her office, we could here Yato and Bishamon already bickering in a matter of seconds. 

We stopped at another door down the hallway. Kazuma opened it and gestured me to walk inside. "Is this your room?" I asked him to which he nodded his head. The room was white, it was pretty much vacant except for Kazuma's full-sized bed and his desk in the corner. 

"What did you find out?" He asked when he closed the door behind him. I shook my head at him. 

"Nothing at all to be honest. My parents don't keep in touch with my grandparents anymore ever since the money started playing a role. I've yet to ask them about our ancestry, so I'll ask later and keep you updated." 

"Please, do." He said.

"I do have a question though." I told him.

"What is it?"

"Do you know what could have caused the pain in my body that led me to pass out for that long?"

"That's exactly what we're trying to figure out here, (F/n). This could be caused by the blood that runs through your veins and only Fujisaki was able to trigger whatever it was. It could also be caused by whatever he did to you before we came and found you."

I didn't really say anything after that. We walked out to go back to where we left Yato and Bishamon to argue. There really was nothing that we could do until we got at least somewhat closer to figuring out what was wrong with me. 

Kazuma and I walked back into Bishamon's office to find her with Yato on the ground and her foot against his head to keep him from standing up.

"Is it time to go home yet?" He asked me. I nodded my head and Bishamon let go of him so that he could get up and leave with me. 

He took me back home and stayed with me for a little bit until he was called for a job. "I'll be back as soon as it's over," he said. 

"Take your time. My mom is coming home early so she'll be home any second." He smiled at me and left the house, leaving me to myself. I had some time to myself for the first time in a while. I brought out my phone and texted Hiyori to ask her what she was doing.

[(F/n) 1:12 pm]: Hey what are you doing?

[Hiyori 1:14 pm]: Doing homework. What's up?

[(F/n) 1:15 pm]: I'm bored. Yato left for a job. Want to come over?

[Hiyori 1:20 pm]: Sure, just let me finish getting ready and I'll head your way :)

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