The Mundane World

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A mini anxiety attack was happening as soon as I reached the doors to the school. Hiyori was trying to calm me down the whole ride here, saying that everything will be fine and that we'll get caught up. Now that I'm back in school, I just now realize how behind we both are and I'm the slowest learner ever. 

The traffic among the hallway of students was pretty calm but there was one thing that was obviously off about it. Hiyori and I have been getting nonstop stares from almost everyone that passed by us. I'm pretty sure we both felt like the "new kid" all over again, but this time, it was worse than that. 

People tend to think that they're whispering but they're louder than they think they are. 

"Isn't that the girl that went missing?"

"Yeah, she just shows up to school out of nowhere."

"No one's seen her or Hiyori in months."

"We haven't heard a word from their parents. Do you think they were even looking?"

"Yeah it showed up on the news just once and then not a word was spoken after that."

"Do you think they're just clones because they seem a little different."

The whispering kept going on and on. At this point, my anxiety was going through the  roof and I wasn't sure if I was going to make through the day. Suddenly, I was pushed into a classroom by Hiyori, who shut the door right behind her.

"You made it to class." She said to me as she put her hand on my shoulder to calm me down. "Breathe, (f/n)." It was only then that I realized I was hyperventilating. I was knocked back into reality after that and nodded to her and thanked her. After that, she turned around and took her seat. 

I looked around the room to realize that the class was empty right now and it was only just us two. I looked at my watch and saw that there was still 15 minutes before school started, so of course, students are still wanting to hang out together before they went to class. I took a seat next to Hiyori and put my head down on the desk. 

"I feel like we're the Kardashians of Japan...or the Tono of MMA." Hiyori said in a perky voice.

"You like being famous like this? I feel like everyone hates me."

"Oh, no. I just remember how I felt when I was in your position, only my situation then compared to yours are on two different levels and I can't tell which is worse."

"What happened to you?" I asked her.

"Let's just say, don't ever let Yato near you during school hours."

As I was about to say something, the teacher walked into the classroom and jumped a little to find us sitting in our seats already.

"You two don't want to hang around outside the class a little bit more?" He asked us.

"No, we're kind of the outsiders right now and I don't like all the attention, especially (f/n)." Hiyori responded.

"Oh that's right. Yes, (f/n), it has been quite a while since I've seen the both of you. Now that you're back,  just let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I know it might be a lot to ask so I can either treat you like any other student or proceed with caution."

"I appreciate it, Mr. Shoji." I said to him. 

The bell was set to ring in the next few minutes so Hiyori and I just talked for the rest of the time until students started coming in.

They all came in and laid their eyes on us, seeing that the rumors are true. Hiyori and I had returned to school but other than the fact that we were reportedly missing, I tried to see it as not a big deal. These people couldn't mind their own business, that's for sure.

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