Mother's Information

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It wasn't long before my mom came home. She had Hiyori stay for dinner before left to go back home and study some more. After Hiyori left, I decided to ask my mom on the history of our bloodline. 

"Was there anything that was unique about our family, mom?"

"What do you mean by unique?" She asked in reply. 

"I mean, was there anything on your side of the family that didn't really do normal things like any other family would?"

"Honey, you know my side of the family was poor. Don't get any ideas about your father and I, as well. I'm not a gold digger, we both were very much in love and we still are. I wasn't in it for the money." She replied.

"Of course I don't think that mom, I was just wondering, if there were some things that you saw that you couldn't really explain because no one else noticed?" 

She paused for a moment before answering and then she looked at me with honest eyes. "You're seeing them, aren't you?" 

"Seeing what?" 

"The ones beyond the living." She simply stated which I assumed that she knew exactly what I meant. 

"If you're talking about gods and all that, then yes."

She nodded her head and took a seat at the dinner table and gestured for me to sit down next to her. "So it's time that I told you about our family, isn't it?" 

I raised an eyebrow at her and she only chuckled at me. "You were going to come to me eventually about it, I just never thought it would be so soon," she said to me. "Darling, we're not exactly like them but we do have some kind of tie to their world."

"How did this all start?" I asked her.

"Your great-great grandmother was a bit curious as a teenager. She was a rebellious child who ran away from her parents many many times. One day, she met someone - a god - whom she quickly befriended. I don't know who the name of this god was, but I do know that they were inseparable from each other."

"Eventually, she grew older and she started forgetting the memories and her friendship with the god. So through one last effort, the god gave her something...some kind of gift I guess you could say. It was the gift, of being able to see the creatures of the world that didn't belong to the humans."

"She was able to see for as long as she lived, but of course there was a twist to it. Her and the generations to come, would be trouble to the heavens as we we're kind of 'stuck in between.' Heart rates would seem normal to human beings but it's actually at a very low rate. Normal phantoms wouldn't be able to possess our bodies. There's still more to discover about our bloodline that hasn't even been discovered yet." 

"The heavens of course, thought that we were too much trouble and tried to get rid of our blood line but to our surprise, the gift that we had received turned out to be a lot stronger than we thought. We couldn't die by their hands, very wounded yes, but we weren't able to die. The only way our ancestors passed was through old age. They've been trying to figure out more since then but things just took higher priority over time I guess." 

"Wars, our family problems, other serious issues going on in the other world made our bloodline one of their least concerns as they saw no real threat from us. As for me, of course I see everything but I pay no mind to it because I was always told by my mother that nothing good ever comes out of being around gods and all that. Of course, I didn't believe her but I fell in love with your father not long after I had that conversation with her so I never got to experience my special gift."

"So, do you see the people I hang around with?" I asked her after her long story about my family.

"Of course I do. Hiyori, Yukine, even that weird god that hangs around you all the time. Which by the way, you're even lucky I'm letting him sleep over every night because if your dad had known about all this--"

"MOM!" I exclaimed as I turned a deep red.

"Oh hush, (f/n). I'm not a mean old lady that doesn't let love blossom." She winked at me.

"I-It's not like that." I told her.

"Of course it's not." She laughed at me and then got up from the table to do dishes.

"So there's still more to be learned about us?" I asked her.

"Yes. Isn't that what you're trying to find out right now?" She asked me. 

"Well yes, but how did you know?"

She rolled her eyes at me. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, you know. I'm a curious cat too. I only provided you with what I know." 

"Thank you, mom." I said to her.

"For what?"

"For telling me this, no we're one step closer into figuring out exactly what this gift is." I said as I hugged her.

"Of course, dear. I do want you to be careful though. There's a lot of trouble that can come from hanging around gods, so just be safe alright?" 

"Of course."

"Now, go to your room. Your little friend is waiting for you." She chuckled and winked at me. 

I blushed again as I turned around and went up to my room to find Yato sitting on my bed with a bag of chips in his hand.

"Really, Yato?" I asked him as he stuffed his full mouth with another chip.

"What? I can't eat after all that hard work?"

"Let's go to bed. I'll explain everything that just happened tomorrow morning." I told him.

"I'm not gonna argue with you on that." He said as he quickly put the chips away and got under the sheets.

"Goodnight, Yato." I said as I got into bed with him.

"Goodnight, (f/n)."

It didn't take long before he fell asleep and started snoring peacefully. Me on the other hand, still had so much on my mind. Should I go to Fujisaki still? If I told Kazuma, would he be able to figure it out and keep me and my family safe? 

So many thoughts ran through my head, but eventually all that made me tired and I fell asleep to meet the next morning.

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