First Date

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"Ready?" Yato asked in his teasingly seductive low voice --A/N: I fucking love Levi mmmmmffffff--

"Okay can you just show me already?" I asked him.

"Your patience is greatly appreciated." I could almost feel the eye roll I know he gave me just now. 

"Alright, fine. I'm sorry, I just want to know already!" I sounded like a bratty five year old right now but I didn't care in this moment.

He put his hands on my shoulders and kissed my cheek. "Alright. One, two, three..." He said as he took off the blind fold that I had on. 

Revealed to me was an empty rooftop restaurant in the middle of the beautiful lit up city. The nightlife was now beginning at this time but the sounds of the traffic and the groups of women on girls night were being drowned out by a man playing the grand piano in the corner of the roof. He led me to one of the empty tables and seated me in my chair. He sat down across from me and took a good long look at me while I was admiring everything that was around me.

"This is amazing, Yato." I told him as I reached out for his hand. "Thank you." I told him and he kissed my hand and put his other hand on top of mine.

"You're the most important thing to me and I'd do anything for you." He told me. I couldn't help but blush at his statement. I never knew that a goofball like him could be so romantic, but I guess he's learned that considering how long he's lived.

"Good evening to the lovely couple. My name is Aluna and I'll be your waitress tonight. I've brought out the finest wine that we have on the house per request and will be bringing out the water and bread in just a moment." She said as she popped the bottle of champagne and poured the both of us a glass before she left.

"Wait Yato, I don't drink. I'm not old enough." I told him.

"Did she card you?"

"Uh, no."

"Then, you're 20 for the night." He said to me as he took a sip of the alcoholic beverage.

"How would you even know that I drink?" I asked him.

"I know your taste buds for one, and two, you're telling me that you've never tasted wine in your life? Not even once?" He replied to me.

"Touché." I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my glass. I could barely taste the alcohol in it and  it tasted almost like a sweet dessert. I loved it instantly.

"Did I mention how beautiful you look tonight?" Yato asked me.

"You've said it a bunch of times already, Yato." 

"Well, you're about to hear it a hundred more times. Those two and a half hours it took you to get ready really paid off." He said.

"Which I highly blame Kofuku for. I'm just not used to these kinds of things. I've never been on a date because I'm always traveling and I've just been too focused on my studies to really hang out with anyone."

"And that's changed now." He said for me.

"Yes, it's changed. The minute Hiyori entered my life, I never knew that life would be so different. Now, it's like, every thing I know is basically a lie and I still can't figure out what I am or what my history is. I don't know why my mom didn't tell me this. Even after everything that we've been through, the only thing that seems to make sense is being with you -- which isn't a bad thing. It's a wonderful thing to be with you and aside from it making sense, it feels like I'm at peace. I could be in trouble but as soon as I see you, I know that you'll protect me. You've changed my life and I've fallen in love with you." 

I just realized I confessed how I truly felt about Yato and now I feel like I just scared him away for life. 

"(F/n), you are my sanity. Anything and everything I do, from now on, is for you." He told me.

I laughed at myself. "It's our first date and yet we're acting like we've been dating for years and you're about to propose to me or something."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Not at all, it's just so new to me."

"I'll do whatever it takes to keep a smile on your face." I looked into his eyes and I knew that he meant what he said. I smiled at him and leaned in over the table to give him a kiss.

Shortly after, dinner was served. For Yato, he was served poached Tuna with kumquats and jalapeño. I was served steak au poivre cooked medium well with a side of rice. 

"That's all you got?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm trying my best to make this date perfect for you and not go all out on eating for once in my life." He laughed. "I actually got myself an eight-course meal so I'll be eating a lot more than just this." 

"Am I getting the eight-course meal too?"

"I'm not even sure you can handle all that food." He replied.

"Yeah you're right. It all just depends day I can eat enough food to satisfy a whale but other times I'll only eat one meal." 

"Yeah, I noticed that. I just want you to be happy and healthy, and I'll do everything in my power to keep you that way...not that I wouldn't love any other way than that."

He leaned in over the table to meet me for another kiss.

"Thank you again, Yato, for doing all this for me. You really shouldn't have but I'm lucky you came into my life."

"Alright, alright. Enough with the sappy stuff, love. We have plenty of time to tell each other how much we love each other."

We both laughed and went to start eating.


Not long after we had finished our meals, we left the restaurant and started walking around the city. The nightlife of the city kept growing each hour and now there were a bunch of people heading to the bars or clubs. 

"What are we doing now?" I asked him.

"Well, right now we're just walking around the city but in a bit I'll show you one of my other favorite places in this city when the moon is at its peak." He replied to me.

I was pondering for a moment but then an idea had hit me. "In that case...." I, then, took off running down the streets of the city, having Yato chase after me and enjoying the city lights as we explore and run together.

I never got a good look around the city since I first moved here and that's because I wasn't too involved with anyone or anything at the time. But now, for the first time in my life, I felt alive. I felt like a whole person and I was so happy. In that moment, I knew what I wanted and that was Yato and a life of adventures with him. It was cliché to say this but there was never a dull moment with him. Every single second I'm around him, he keeps me on my toes and ready to move and wherever he moved, I wanted to go with him. 

He was my life.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek when I finally stopped to catch my breath. "Are you ready yet?" He asked me.

"Mhm." I responded and smiled at him. He took my hand and led the way.


"So, this is it. Welcome to my serenity," said Yato as we leaned over the railing of the rooftop of the highest building in the city. 

It was now 12 AM and the moon was at its brightest - shining over the city and showing the skyline. I could feel the energy of the moon and the city move through my body and I couldn't help but smile. The city and the person next to me has touched my soul and I was so grateful for everything that's happened.

Even though I might barely know anything about me or my family, everything felt right at this exact moment.

I turned to face Yato and told him, "I'm so in love with you."

He grabbed my face and pulled me in for the most passionate kiss we shared yet.

"My forever." He said to me before he kissed me one last time for the night.

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