The arrival

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————————2 days later————————-

Ians POV

We had just started to packing in all of the bags in the cottage. It was a little red cottage and me, Anthony, Felix and Marzia was going to stay there for about a week.

-The last bag! I shouted as I grabbed the only bag left in the trunk. It was quite heavy but i pulled it out of the car and down on the ground. Damn, it was really cold here in Sweden. By hands were ice cold even though I only been out for like 5 minutes. Felix and Marzia were already inside, and Anthony. I actually didn’t know were Anthony was. I saw him a while ago but it was when we sat in the car.

Just then I felt a cold breeze against my back.

-Missed me? Anthony whispered against my ear.

I jumped high.

Anthony you can’t do that, next time i’m gonna piss myself.

He laughed as he picked me up and carried me towards the cottage.

-Anthony put me down I said while I was laughing against his neck.

-haha no he said with a smile.

As we entered the cottage he put me down on the floor. The cottage was small with brown roof and brown floor. The wall was painted white, probably to make it look bigger, but it also made a fresh feeling to the room. The walls was also filled with paintings with golden frames. It had a small kitchen with a table for four and a little sofa with a tv.

It was pretty cosy. I spotted tree doors, two on the right side of the room and one at the other side.

Felix was already checking out the rooms, as soon he saw that it was a bigger bedroom he shouted.


Pax? Anthony said with raising one brow.

It means like we took it first, he said with a laugh.

Anthony, Marzia and I peeked in the room, it was a pretty cute room with one big bed in the middle and a closet on the other side.

Felix lied in the bed, this is my bed. He said as he stretch out his arms.

-Your bed? Marzia said crossing her arms.


Marzia went out of the room, Anthony I looked at each other wondering what she was doing. She came back with a big pile of her clothes and threw them at Felix.

-OUCH! Felix said under the pile of clothes.

-Now it’s my bed too, she laughed as she went forward and gave him a quick kiss.

Anthony and I checked out our room, it was almost as big as the other room. Just a little bit smaller.

Anthony spotted a book laying down on the drawer in the room. He took it up and started browse through it.

-It’s a like a guest book,  Anthony said while laying down at the bed counting to read.

-What does it say? I said while laying me on top of Anthony.

I don’t know it’s in swedish…

Let me try I said while grabbing the book.


”Jag tror jag håller på att bli galen men jag såg den här om dagen. Ögonen glödde och han tog tag i mig och tryckte upp mig mot ett träd. Han var redo att döda mig. Det var tur att jag lyckades ta mig till stugan annars hade jag nog inte klarat mig. ”

No sorry I don’t understand. I said.

FELIX!!! Anthony shouted.

He swung the door open and shouted,

Whats going here?!

We don’t understand.. Anthony said while throwing the book to him.

He took the book and read the page, as he read his face started to change to a bit confused and scared look.

What does it say! I shouted as the curiosity grew inside me.

It says:

”I think I start to go nuts, but the other day I saw it. The eyes glowing red as he took me and pushed me against a tree. He was ready to kill me. But lucky I got a way and hid in my cottage. Or I would be dead.

I could feel Anthony froze under me.

-Does it really say that I asked looking at Felix with a bit scared face.

Yes basically, he said while throwing the book back. But don’t be scared people are just writing in those book to scare others.

Felix left and shut the door.

Anthony rolled around. I thought I was the only vampire that existed.

-Maybe is not a vampire I said while laying down beside him looking up in the celling.

-What else would it be? Anthony asked.

-I don’t no maybe a werewolf.

-They don’t exist Anthony said.

-You sure?

-I think so, he said glancing at me.

-I hope so I said while rolling over to him and gave him a quick kiss. He started to kiss me rough and I kissed back. But sudden he bit my lip. I felt blood drip down, he quick licked it away and continued to kiss. I pulled away and looked with a steady look in his red eyes who was to turn to a blood red color.

-Anthony I think it’s safer for you to go and feed before we continued. I said.

-No I will be fine he said while he change them back to his normal red color.

I leaned in and continued to kiss me but sudden he bit me again. 

-Ouch! I said while I pulled away.

Now was his fangs out to.

Anthony go and feed now!

Okay, okay he said while using his vampire speed to quick stand by the door.

I will be back in a minute babe, he smirked as he quick disappeared.

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