-You're scaring me...

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A/N: Thank you all for reading my story, I really thought no one would read it, haha cx Make sure to leave a comment of what you think of the story :)

Anthonys POV

As I ran I increased the speed more and more. It was amazing to run again, I really hated to sit still that long in the plane. I ran out in the forrest feeling the cold wind brushing thru my hair. I sudden stopped. The forrest was so beautiful here in Sweden. The snow were covering the trees and the ground like a beautiful white veil. I never seen so much snow before. I bent down and took a hand full of snow and pushed it together to a snowball. I threw it away as hard as I could. I could hear it      hit a tree about 100 meters away. I breath in the cold air, I could smell human. I took a grip on the nearest tree and swung myself up. I jumped between the branches reaching the top.

I closed my eyes and listen, I could hear someones quick breath, probably someones jogging some kilometers away. I threw myself out from the branch and to the nearest tree. I continued to another tree moving closer to my victim. I was there just some seconds later. I looked down noticed the human had stopped and catch her breath. The humans are so stupid all alone in the woods at the night. But I loved it when they were stupid.

I could feel my fangs starting to grow out, I licked my sharp teeth and was just about to attack when I saw something. I leaned back again and saw a big wolf running against the girl, she froze a started to slowly move backwards away from the wolf. I never seen a wolf in real life before so I just sat back and watched what It would do.

When it slowly approached the girl something really weird happened, it started to shift to a human form. I couldn’t believe my eyes,

”what the hell was going on?

The ”guy” was now close to the girl now. The girl screamed and tried to run. But he picked her up and pushed her against a tree just like the person described in the book. He drew a finger over the her chin causing blood dripping down her face. She closed her eye holding her breath.

I could smell the blood, my eyes widened he was trying to steal my meal.

I quick came back to reality and jumped down causing the guy to turn around. I quick pushed him away hissing at him. He seemed just as surprised when he saw as I was when I had seen him.

He stared at me with his glowing yellow eyes. I hissed at him marking that she was mine. I stared back blocking him from the girl.When he saw that I stood in front of her he growled and ran forward trying to get by me.

I grabbed him and swung him down on the ground, holding I tight grip on his arms. He quick shifted back to his wolf form and crawled away. I bent forward and hissed again, he growled low and then turned around. He glanced back at me with his wolf eyes and then took a leap and ran away into the forrest. I stared at him until he I couldn’t se him any more.

-The girl who sat on the ground with her hands covering her face sudden exclaimed.

-Omg you are my hero!

I could feel her eyes staring at my back. I could feel her blood vibrating in the veins. I could feel the hunger boil up inside in me.

I turned around and pushed her against the tree looking into her eyes.

-I’m not the hero…I said exposing my fangs and took a bite.

 Ripping her skin away, I could feel the warm blood stream down my throat. I could swear that blood are 100 times better than human food. I just wanted more and more. Everything was gone around me, nothing other existed, just the blood covering my lips. I grabbed the other side of her neck and pushed her harder against me as I drained her…


I quick open the door in and walked into the house, Marzia, Felix and Ian were looking at tv.

-Hi! I said making them jump.

-Oh hi, Felix said with his blue eyes glued on the screen.

-Babe your back! Ian said while jumping out of the sofa running and greeted me with a hug. Smashing his face into mine whispering.

-Anthony you have blood all over your face.

-Oh, I forgot I said while quick walking in in the the bathroom washing it away.

I came back out and grabbed Ians hand and walked away to the sofa joining them in front of the tv.

-What are we looking at? I asked.

-a scary movie Marzia said mannered dark voice.

-Shhh….!! Felix said while pulling a blanket over his mouth continued to watch the movie. I feel like it’s going to be a jump scare soon.. he said.

-What is it about? I whispered to Ian.

-Vampires… Ian said making a quiet laugh looking at me.

I looked over to Felix, the blanket was almost over his eyes now, he looked pretty scared. Marzia who loved scary movies was just sitting relaxed and eating popcorn.

Just then the it came a jump scare. Felix screamed as he hid under the blanket, Marzia screamed a bit too but was most laughing at Felix.

Ian screamed and curled up in my lap holding his hands over his eyes. I put my arms around him holding him tightly. Ian tried to hid inside under my shirt.

-Ian what are you doing babe? I asked.

-I just want to be close he said.

I laughed as I kissed him on his head.

———Twenty minutes into the film———-

Another jump scare appeared, this time Marzia screamed loudest, Felix looking at her laughing.

-Haha! I thought you wasn’t scared.  Felix said.

-I’m not! Marzia said crossing her arms.

-Dude, you haven’t screamed even once. Felix said looking over at me.

-Guess I don’t get scared that easily I said while I shrug my shoulders.

-Pfftt! Felix said rolling his eyes.

Ian was now sleeping against my chest, his slowly breathing always made me calm.

I looked over to the tv and saw a vampire attack a fake victim. While the hunter walked up at and stabbed it from behind.

-This movie is so unrealistic! I exclaimed.  A vampire would never be that stupid.

-How do you know that Felix said while raising a brow. Have you ever met a vampire before?

-No.. but you could totally fix his problem. The victim would try to resistance when he bit, not just lying there like a corpse. And you always have to check if the place is empty so nobody can see you. Of course if it’s more people you would have a bigger meal. And that’s always nice. And it’s always the heat from the blood you feel in your cold heart.

I glanced over to Felix and Marzia they just sat frozen and stared at me.

-Anthony you are scaring me Felix said moving in front of Marzia in a protecting position.

-No haha…ehm… I read in a book I said while looking down and pulling a hand thru my hair.

-Okaaaay… Felix said while moving a bit closer to Marzia.

We continued to watch the movie in silent.

A/N: Did a drawing to this chapter if you want you can check it out ^^


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