The killing

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Ians POV

I couldn’t cry anymore. My eyes were completely emptied of tears.

I hated this, I hated them.

How could they do this to us, they are the monsters. I thought as they dragged me away from Anthonys lifeless body. I didn’t know if he would wake up and that was the most scariest thing that ever happened to me. I had stop fighting, I felt like a zombie. It was like my mind were somewhere else. I couldn’t imagine how hard it must been for him. He must been so hungry and yet he didn’t kill me.

I loved him so much, all I wanted to do was to get out of this sick place.

Sudden I noticed that I was in a separate room with same thick glass between us. Anthony was still just laying on the ground. Not moving at all.

They chained me to some kind of chair that stood right in front the glass. I could almost reach the glass from were I was. If I swung my head forward I could bang it right in the glass. Sudden I got an idea, that if I cause myself to bleed Anthony maybe…just maybe will wake up. I knew it was dangerous and incredible stupid but I didn’t care. I just wanted him to wake up.

I took all of my power and banged my head against the glass. I felt my vision blur as I could feel blood streaming down my forehead.

It hurt a lot, I thought as I could feel myself about to pass out. They were dragging me away and moving the chair away from the glass as  I could hear someone say.

”Stupid fucking idiot”

Maybe I was but…Oh shit. Sudden I felt very dissy.

I couldn’t almost keep my eyes open. 

I tried to focus on Anthony.

He was laying on the ground.

Then it got black, I tried with all my power to open my eyes again.

He was gone……

Wait gone?!

Then it got black again.

I opened my eyes one more time and sudden he was right infront of me. The white of his eyes were completely black and his red eyes were glowing more than they ever had. I had never seen his eyes like that and I could feel my skin crawl as he stared at the me as I could see black veins stretching out from his eyes down his cheeks.

-Anthony you are awake…I whispered out staring at him as I could feel a smile form on my lips as my eyes got teary.

He hit the glass with both hands and hissed at me showing of his fangs. He was trying to break the glass.

-Anthony? I whispered again as I could feel myself move back in the chair.

He hissed again he stared to push his fingers against the glass it started to crack.

-HE IS BREAKING THROU!! I heard someone scream as everyone started panicking trying to do something to stop him.

-That glass are suppose to be unbreakable! another one screamed.

It was like someone had switched off the sound. The only thing you could hear was the glass crack more and more. Then with a loud sound the glass shattered. He was now standing right infront of me, no glass separating us. Just us, just him and me.

He bent forward moving closer to my face. I wanted to hug him and kiss him over and over again. But I was also scared, I’m not use to be scared around him but now I was.

-It’s me Anthony. I whispered out as I could feel myself shiver.

He let out a low growling sound as he moved closer.

Sudden someone started screaming, I moved my head over against the sound. It was a girl with bright short red hair and vibrant hazel eyes. She stared at Anthony with a terrified look as she burst out in the corridor running for her life. As soon as she started run Anthony was gone. Everyone in the room was frozen, nobody moved or made a single sound.

Her scream got quiet for a moment then it started again but now it was more raspy like someone had punctured her lung. The scream died out as a sound of blood splatter echo in the corridor.

Then It got quiet again.

People in the room started to throw looks at each other that showed pure terror. And then the panic started.

Everyone was running around in the room trying to get to the door in the opposite side of the room, but just as they got was about to open it locked. A familiar british voice came out from the speakers.

-I’m sorry it had to end this way….But for the others safety I have to keep this section closed.

-YOU ARE KILLING US. LET US OUT! A black haired girl screamed.

-You have fought well, thanks for setting your life for the company bye bye.

An awful ”crack” echoed in the room.

I turned around my head and spotted Anthony with his fangs sunken in in a guy with his neck in a very weird angle. He watched the others as he emptied the body. As the blood was dripping down and covering his face he gave them a smirk. Sudden he dropped it, but the gaze was still there, he was watching them.

People were screaming, some trying to hide under tables and some trying to find something to fight back with but it was pointless. Nothing were going to stop him.

Sudden Anthony was in the other side of the room and pushing another guy against the wall as he was biting him over and over again as his screams filled the room. The blood was pouring out of him and out on the floor. Anthony took a grip around the other side of his neck and emptied the guys body. I couldn’t handle it anymore I tried to close my eyes, trying to hide the fact that humans just like me was dying right beside me. And the fact that I was in the middle of this. And that I was in the exact the same danger as them. I was shaking but I tried to stay calm and not start to scream aswell. Because my only hope was that I wasn’t running or screaming. It was my only chance to stay alive.

Anthonys POV

I watched the blood of the humans I had killed laying splattered out on the floor. It was beautiful, the color was just perfect. And the smell…the smell. I glanced out in the room too see if it was someone left. A little guy with brown hair was sitting in a chair and burring his head in his hand. I could see that he was shaking. He looked so…I couldn’t set my finger on it, but It almost felt like I wanted to protect him.

Ah oh well, I ain’t saying no to some fresh blood.

I got infront taking a look at his face before I end his life.

He looked kind of cute the way he was trying to be as small as possible, trying to hide from me. It made me smile.

I took a strong grip of his hair and pulling him up to look at me.

-Time to die….But then I got quiet.

I was faced by two ocean blue eyes filled with tears. It was like they were staring right in to my soul.

It was like they touched my heart.

-Ian…? I whispered out as I let go of his hair taking his hand in mine.

-Anthony… He whispered out wiping his tears away.

I leaned in and put his head against my shoulder putting my arms around his body.

-Ian I’m…I’m so sorry. I whispered out holding him tight.

I felt disgusted by my own thoughts. Killing him. My Ian.

-It’s okay. He whispered back as I could feel his tears wet my bloody shirt.

I took a grip around the things that chained him to the chair and ripped them away. As I still held him tight, I felt strong again. I felt like myself.

Ian let go of me and moved away looking into my eyes. His face was covered in blood.

-Babe you have look like a mess I said with a smile wiping it away from his cheek.

-Do you know how you look? he said as he laughed wiping away his tears.

I licked my lips and felt the amazing taste again. But I could control myself, I closed my mouth and took a deep breath.

-Let’s get out of here.

Ian nodded as he climbed up on my back resting his head against me.

A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while, I'm gonna try to update more from now on ^^ Thanks for reading and stay awesome!

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