Chapter 11 • Even Jack Cares

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A/N: Arghhh (Pirate much? XD). I messed something up in the 'One Last Goodbye' Chapter. I said something about Anti's necklace, so forget EVERYTHING that he said about his necklace in that chapter! I removed it for future readers, sorry about that. 😬. Anyways, Enjoy the chapter!

Dark's POV

I was looking through Instagram, trying to distract myself a little from all the pain I was feeling inside. As I scrolled past post after post, I came across a little collage of Anti. The note below the picture said, 'Lost an important life. He really mattered, please send out prayers to Dark, this hit him pretty hard.' I glanced at the username of the person who posted it, it said 'jacksepticeye.'

"J-Jack?" I muttered to myself. I looked at the amount of time since he uploaded that, it said '8 minutes ago.' I checked my message board, finding a bunch of messages waiting to be accepted. Each and every one of them had a nice, comforting note.

I smiled at my phone. I immediately stopped smiling. "Wow, that's the first time I've smiled in a little while." I said to myself.

It had been raining for a couple of days since Anti's death. I guess the Earth was grieving a lot due to his loss. I glanced at the window, watching the drapes flow slightly to the pounding on the roof of the apartment building.

I stood up and walked over to the window, letting my eyes follow each car that drove by on the road. My hands were on the drapes, when I moved my right hand down onto the dresser next to the wall. I felt an envelope, and remembered that I needed to check my mailbox at the front entrance of the building. I grabbed my key and headed down.

Once I got there, I opened up the mailbox and pulled out a bunch of papers, putting them in a bag I brought. There was another key placed in there with a label on it so I knew which package locker it was assigned to. I unlocked the case and saw a small box sitting in it. I picked up the box and carried everything back up to my apartment.

"Feel Better, Feel Better, Get Well Soon, Bills, Fanmail, More Fanmail, How Are You Doing Note. No important envelopes." I said, reading off all the letters that I'd received. I looked at the package and opened it with scissors.

Third Person

Dark pulled at the covers and saw something wrapped in plain white wrapping paper with an envelope attached to it. He ripped the envelope off and opened it. It revealed a small, dirty, crumbled card. It read:

'Sometimes, when things are lost they're impossible to find. Maybe the answer is not always easy to find. Well, it seems you're having trouble finding yours. Here it is.

PS, go 'visit' him ever now and then. It kind of helps. Go 'talk' to him. Even if you can't see him, doesn't mean he's not listening.

- Anonymous'

Dark quickly ripped open the wrapping paper, seeing a cloth. He opened it up, and there it was. Anti's sacred necklace, being kept safe in the warm cloth. Dark, along with everyone else Anti ever knew, did not know what was on that necklace. Anti never let anyone near enough to see it.

Dark pulled it up right in front of his eyes, getting the closest look at it anyone has ever gotten. He noticed it was a man, with similar facial features to Dark. The man had large, curved wings, and stood calmly with a warming smile on his face.

On the back of it, a little cursive signature rested. It said, "CGP." "CRAZE!" Dark yelled, realizing that this was one of Craze's many creations. "WHAT THE FUCK, THIS WAS ANTI'S SACRED NECKLACE! CRAZE MADE IT?! HE BETTER FUCKING EXPLAIN WHATS GOING ON!" Dark was veryyy mad about this.



- Kayla

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