Chapter 12 • The Necklace

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Dark called Craze and told him to come to his apartment ASAP. Craze immediately got in his car and drove there. Craze ran up to the door, not even bothering to knock, and he ran right in.

As soon as he laid eyes on Dark, Dark pushed him up against a wall, holding his neck. Craze's feet were dangling above the carpet. "Tell me why the fuck your signature is on Anti's necklace, or I swear to god I'll do bad shit to you." Dark said sternly.

Craze was choking, struggling to get oxygen in his lungs. "I-It's a l-long st-story..." Craze spit out in between gasps for air. "You little bitch, if you don't tell me what's going on then-" Dark was about to stab Craze with a knife he had, but he stopped when he heard someone's voice shout stop behind him.

He turned around, seeing Jack standing there. "STOP, DARK! PUT HIM DOWN, LET US EXPLAIN!" Jack yelled. "How the fuck do you know where I live?" Dark said. "That's none of your concern, put him down and we'll tell you everything." He said.

Dark frowned, dropping Craze. Craze fell to the floor, then standing up and walking next to Jack. "Come here and sit down, this isn't going to be short. I'm going to tell you the whole story." Jack said, as Dark nodded and obeyed.

"This all started way back. There was a fairy kingdom, and there was a small, happy peasant boy named Anti. There was also a prince, the son and heir of the king, Dark. The two were very young when they met each other. They were the best of friends. Dark was you. You and Anti grew up together, always meeting up with each other on a certain branch. But, one day, your wanting for power grew stronger than your love for Anti, when you were adults. You fought him, only because he sat on 'your property,' when he was only sitting on the same branch, waiting for you to come again. One of the days, you became so angry and consumed by power that you and Anti fought bad enough that you ended up ripping his wings off. He fell limply to the hard pavement, where I found him. I'd already known Craze, so I introduced the two when I brought Anti back to my house. While he lived with me, you and another wingless fairy named Felix fought. He beat you, leaving your wings crumbled up. Anti told me that that had happened, and I went to find you. I found you, and brought you to the doctor since you were unconscious. It turned out that you had hit your head, so you didn't remember one thing. You only knew basic needs, like how to walk, talk, dress yourself, etc. Anti had hope for you, and you and him fell in love all over again. But, he didn't want to forget what you used to be, so he went to Craze to make him that necklace. That necklace meant the world to him, he treasured and cared for it, like you would a child. But, being a wingless fairy, fairies are deathly allergic to even one small inhale of any kind of radiation. He died because of inhaling that during the bombing. He wanted you to have the necklace, he thought that you now deserved to know the story. There you have it. I hope you're okay with taking all that in." Jack explained every tiny detail.

Dark looked down at the ground. "I... I..." He had no words. "Go to the cemetery. Go sit on a bench near him, or stand in front of him. Talk to him. He'll be listening." Craze said. "Well, who sent me the letter and the necklace. "I did." Jack said, "You deserved to know now." Dark nodded. "I'm gonna go now..." "Remember, he's always listening." Jack said.


Jeez that was a lotta crap to write like woah XD hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, big thank you to mmmmyazzz for giving me lots of support on this book, along with many others! :)

- Kayla

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