CHAPTER 17 - 🔞

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"What the heck Jade ? What are you doing here ?" Zach segera tulak badan Jade . Nsib sja zach tulak bdn jade , klau inda .. hmmm .

"Baby . I miss youu !" Jade renung muka zach .

Sa lari trus p berdiri di tepi zach . Jade tinguk sa dengan hairan . " Zach .. is she ..."

"Shocked Jade ? Yes I'm with zach now so back off ," sa merenung muka jade yang terkejut .

"Zach . Tell me this is not true . Pleaseee !" Jade pegang tangn Zach merayu .

Hari tiba tiba mendung , air hujan pun mula menitis .

Zach tarik tngn sa masuk dlm resort , " ko mandi cepat , takut ko sakit nnti ," zach usap kpala sa . Sa melangkah jauh dri zach .

"Mna sa mauk mandi zach ? In yr room can ka ?" Suara Jade kedengaran .

Sa menoleh tinguk blkng . Jade sdg berdiri sngt dekat di depn Zach . Wau terus panas ni hati tapi da tetap sabar . 

"Mandi ? No ! Sa tak tahu mcm mna ko bulih smpai sini tapi ko balik skrang ! " Zach jauhkan diri daripda Jade trus mata zach tinguk sa yang melihat mrka dua dri tadi.

"Honey . Come , let me bring you to your room ," zach berjln ke arah sa trus dia pigang waist sa .

Sa langsung tidak mempedulikan Jade , trus menoleh ke depan . Sa kasi letak kpla sa di bahu Zach smbil berjln .

Smpai jak di depan pintu , sa membelakangi Zach sbb nak buka pintu . Zach pusingkan badan sa menghadap dia .

"Mell , sa tau ko risau skng sbb ada Jade sini . Remmber my promise to you yesterday ? To never let us go and I'm gonna keep that promise cause i love you so much ,"  Zach pigang kdua belah pipi sa guna tngn dia . Dia tarik muka sa trus dia kiss dahi sa .

Air mata sa mengalir , " thanks god for giving me a chance to be in love ," sa bilang dlm hati  .

"Eh , knpa ko nngis ? Bah ko mndi skng . I will be at my room okay ? " zach kesatkan air mata za .

"No . Come . I want you to be with me ," sa tarik tangn zach masuk dlm bilik . Mnatau si Jade mengete p masuk dlm bilik Zach msa sa mndi nnti . Zach hnya ikut seja masuk .

Sa pigang kdua bahu zach while tngn zach di waist sa .

"Im taking my bath right now , ko tunggu sa lah okay ?" Sa senyum trus membelakngi zach . Tapi tangn zach masih di pinggang sa .

"Zach . Beb . Mcm mna sa maok mandi klau begini la?' Sa ketawa .

"I wanna take bath with you ," zach bisik di telinga . Meremang bulu roma sa .

"No !! I'm not ready ," sa berabis suruh zach lepas .

"Okay fine !" Zach ketawa kuat kali ni . "But let me undress you ," dia sambung .

Sa hnya diam , tak mmpu bilang iya ataupun tidak . Sa kaku .

" you trying to seduce me with that clothe , dont you ? " zach bisik

Sa masih menbelakngi zach , tangn dia juga msih di pinggang sa . Dia tarik badan sa dekat sna bdn dia , sa bulih rsa nafas dia di leher sa . "Zach , i can feel your bulge between my arse ," sa bilang dlm nada yang nervous kunun ." I can feel that ur wet righ now , don't you ?" zach bisik di telinga sa .

He kissed my neck and it turned me on . Fcuk zach ! I closed my eyes and his hand immediately open my sexy sleeping dress , leave me with bra and santut . He turned me around and our eyes met . He cupped my cheeks and pressed his lips on mine . I slightly open my mouth and his tongueb is swirling inside . My hearts beats so fast . His hand were on my back and a glimpse , ny bra is loose . "You want me to continue ?" Zach speak through the kisses . I remain quiet , he knows what i want.

His hand were trailing my back and went down to my arse . I can feel his hand cupped my arse . He carry me , my both legs were wrapping his body . We drive each other crazy . 
He put me on the edge of the bed , he stop kissing . His eyes strolled to my boobs , he smirk . From my legs , he goes to my boobs . He  started kissing from my lips , my jaw , my neck and lastly my boobd . He sucked and licked my tits . I moaned .

He took my panty down to my leg , "damn ur so wet ," zach smile .

Have i told you guys that we never fucked ? We only exploring each other body . Yes , he never put his hard timun into my miss v . It's because we decided to do it after marriage 😂😂

"I think that is enough , ur naked ," zach bangun trus dia jalan .

Sa bangun , jalan ke arah dia .

"Sorry that we always leave each other hanging . Marry me fast cause i hate seeing you hanging ," sa peluk badan zach dri blkng .

"I will . Soon baby ," zach pusingkan badan tinguk sa .

I wrapped my hand around his neck , i pulled him close to my body . I kissed him , not surprising that he kissed me back . I undo his shirt , leave him shirless . "Damn baby , ur hot as fcuk ," i spoke through the kisses .

"Wait for me ," sa lepaskn ciuman trus sa masuk dlm bilik mndi . 

Sa tutup bilik mandi , mmg maok pecah jantung sbb nervous . First time in five years . Scene kita dua asyik berulang dlm utak sa . "Okay enough carmell , u need to take bath ," bilang tu pom pom girl. 

Sa cuci smua bdan sa , rambut and of course miss v . Hbis urusan sa dlm bilik mndi , sa ambil towel yang mmg tergantung di pintu . Sempat sa tinguk diri sa dlm cermin , ada dua kesan lovebite si zach tadi di leher sa . Sa keluar dri bilik mndi , malas maok kasi dry rambut .

Sa tinguk baju sa , panty , bra sma baju si zach bersepah atas lantai . Si zach pun sudah lama baring atas katil sa , tidur . Sa gelak kecil ." I never know my life would be this happy after having zach in my life ," bilang tu pom pom girl .

Sa ambil baju besar sma santut seja . Bra ? Klaau maok keluar , baru sa pkai .

Sa melangkah ke arah katil sa , baring di tepi zach . Ngam zach mmg baring pandang sa . Uwauu bulih cuci mata nih sblm lelap . 

Sa baring membelakngi zach , takut nnti tak dpt tidur kalau asyik tinguk zach . Tak lama , tangan zach p peluk area dada sa . Emm k faham la .

" this hug remind me of our first meeting . I can feel that ur cold , my skin feel your tits ," zach bisik .

Kaki zach peluk kaki sa , kasi lock spya sa teda lari . Sa gelak kecil and the rest sa tertidurr sudah . Ngam hari hujan , mmg siok bah tidur dlm pelukan zach .

Sa terbangun tpi zach teda di tepi sa . Sa ambil hp , pkul 2 petang . Lma jga sa tidur nih . Lantas sa bangun dri katil , maok pergi bilik makan .

" zach . I want you , cum in me ! Ahhhhh ! " sa dengar suara Jade besar di sebelah biik sa . Terbulat mata sa , Zach is with Jade ? WTFFF ??!! Panas ni hati , mmg sedia sudah speech break up sa sma Zach !

Sa buka pintu bilik sa ," bukkkk ! Sa langgar satuorng .

"Get offff !!!" Sa tinguk orang tuu . Zach . Dia terkejut tinguk sa mcm orang gila .

"Ur just fcuk me and u go and fcuk jade too ??" Sa tulak badan Zach .

"Shhhhh !" Zach tekap mulut sa guna tangn besar dia tu . Dia tulak sa masuk dlm bilik sa balik , dia tutup pintu .

Suara Jade msih kedengaran " yes zach . Ahhh ,"  
Zach lepaskan tekapan tangn dia di mulut sa . "Im awake because of this sound just now . I thought you were fcuking other peaple but when i found out that im still hugging you , it all make sense ," Zach ketawa .

"Is she masturbating ?" Sa tinguk zach .

"Apparently yes ," kita dua ketawa kuat .

"I hope Jade don't go too far . She will be leaving this island after the weather calm ," zach senyum sma  sa.

"I hope too ," sa tinguk zach .

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