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Sa sma andre sudah bincang plan kita dua slma 2 mnggu slpas sa sma zach breakup. It work atlast .

Sa pakai lace long sleeve dress paras paha .

"Hi andre !"  Sa senyum sma dia bila sa msuk dlm kreta .

"Wow . You really want this plan to work , don't you ?" Andre gelak kecil .

"Of course . I'm meeting him for the last time ," sa tinguk andre .

I have to do this . To decide what is right and wrong . To stand my own feet .

Sepnjang dlm kereta , fikiran sa masih kepada zach . Mmg since umur 17 tahun sudah bersama .

We totally need some rest from each other . I need a rest from Zach . Not finding new guy cause I can't fall in love again .

"Mell , we're here . You want me to wait you ?"andre pigang tngnn sa .

"Em no andre . Thank you so much ," sa peluk andre

"I really think zach need some lessson to teach . Even tho he is my brother , I'm on your side . But he's a very good guy , mell . He loves you ," andre tinguk dlm mata sa. 

"I bet he is ," sa kluar dri kereta .sabpandamg depn , satu kedai makan mewah .

Masuk jak sa , ada receptionist yang layan .

" name miss ?" Dia senyum smbil tinguk buku log. Yes , ni kedai kalau nak makan mesti book tempatt .

"Andreas ," sa jawab simple . Atokoi lupa pula sa nama kdua andre 😂 

"Let me bring you there ," ada dua waiter p bawa sa masuk dlm satu private room .

"Gosh i love you andree ! Now i can talk private . Jerit jerit pun bulih ," sa terpegun dengn kecantikan bilik tersebut .

Hmpir 5 minit gituu , pintuu bilik terbuka . Zach bersma dua orang guard dia . Dia terkejut tinguk sa .

"Where is Andre ?" Zach masuk dlm bilik .

"He's just helping me to get you here . Have a sit ," sa tinguk dia yang berpakaian segakk .

"I ... i need to go mell . This is not right ," zach cuba kluar tapi guard dia menghalang .

I plan it throughly , don't I ? " sa mmg minta tolong konco dia spya cooperate sma sa stu malam. 

"You can stay outside . I need my private talk here ," sa senyum sma mrka .

Zach ? Mau enda mau , dia msti duduk .

Lama sa renung dia , i have ready to tell zach this .

"Im leaving this life , zach . I feel it's useless to fight over a person who can't fight for me ," sa renung mata zach . Zach seolah terkejut dnegn kata kata sa .

" I don't underst.. ," blm smpat dua hbiskn kata kata dia , sa mencelah .

"I'm soo unsure about the feeling you have for me. I don't even know if you love me cause you go and fcuk other while you say you love me ," air mata sa mengalir tapi reaksi sa sma seja .

"Mell . She is just a hired girlfriend . I swear I didn't fvuk anyone . I don't even fcuk you , do I ? I get so crazy when you break up with me on the day of my proposal ," zach pigang tangn sa .

"Explain as much as you want zach , I'm done . Don't hold me back this time . Enough ," Sa cepatt angkat dri kerusi kluar meninggalkn zach .

Sa larii keluar , i hold a taxi and msuk terus . Sa nmpk zach baru kluar bila taxi mula jalan .

"Pergi mana miss ?" Tnya tu drebar .

"AIRPORT ," sa jawab selamba . 

Kira kira 10 minit , smpai airport sudah. 

Sa masuk , nampk andre sudah . Dia pigang luggage sa , duduk atas kerusi main hp .

"Andre ," sa panggil dia .

Andre menoleh , segera dia mendapatkan sa . Dia kasi sa tiket fly p Korea .

"Take care . I hate you for making me to do this ," muka andre mcm tahan sedih .

"Thank youu so much andre , but I choose my own path to walk alone . I'm tired with the on off relationship ," sa mengalirkn air mata . Beart hati meninggalkan sabah .

Sa sudah masuk dlm check up bila sa dengar nama sa kena panggil .

"Mell !"

Segera sa menoleh blkng . Zach berdiri di luar pintuu waiting room . 

Sa pergi ke arah dia . I held his face for the last time , sa menatap smua butiran muka dia.  He look so sad and frustrated .

"I pull his face close and we kiss ,"

"Goodbye zach caleb ," sa laju lepskn ciuman  and msuk dln kapal sudahh . 

I don't regret my choice .. to leave everything behind especially zach .

Sbar kioo , jangn dulu takorang meradang sna . Ada addition chapter bah ni  . Stay tuned 😘😘

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