Chapter 11: Fall of the House of Death

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College sucks. Learning sucks. People suck. Everything sucks. You know what doesn't suck though? The fact that I got the ruler of hell to actually talk to me. Here I thought he'd be way more asocial than me, other than the bit where he won't show his face like some amateur magician and that he probably only needs to socialize with me because of my soul.

I've been out and about all day doing absolutely jack shit. I've been walking around town for about four hours because I need to kill time somehow. If I think about anything else then I start to freak out, and when I do that there is this part of me that wants to punch something and I've never been a very violent person in general. 

When was the last time I've had guests? I can't recall, but probably because I don't think I have ever had guests.

"Uh... Excuse me, but you're holding up the line." An annoyed voice pops me out of my inner debate. I blink once and focus on a young woman with bright blonde hair.

"Oh, shit- shoot, I'm sorry. Here are two twenties." I hand her the bills and try and focus on keeping my hands from shaking. While she's getting my change I look on the walls and see a clock that reads 8:22 pm. I take a shaky breath and grab my things and leave the store. 



"Oh shit, Nym. I am so sorry kitty. I can't see a bloody thing." I blindly search around in the darkness for a light switch. I hear a click and instantly the light comes on and momentarily I'm thrown off balance by the sudden brightness.

I set the groceries down and pick up Nym who's currently looking at me in a mix of fury and dismay. "I'm so sorry, sweetie. Please forgive me." He looks at me for a moment with what seems to be narrowed eyes but then begins licking and rubbing her head against my cheek.

When I put him back down I hear a throat clearing from my black suede couch and jump out of my skin.

"Son of a bi-" As I topple over I squeeze my eyes shut an brace myself for the hard crash against the wooden floor, but it doesn't come at all. Instead, the only thing I feel is warmth seemingly embracing me. Oh shit, I'm being robbed and my captor just happened to catch me and now I'm probably going to die oh crap and they probably have a gun and they-

"You are very clumsy."

-probably don't say strange things like that? I open up one pinched eye at a time and am almost relieved I see two glowing red eyes shadowed by a hood staring back at me, and two strong arms gripping my small frame to keep me upright. I mean I should probably be more scared knowing a God of Death just caught me, but more importantly, I'm a little surprised if I do say so myself that he'd even show up

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