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Winter curled up into a small ball, her head resting gently on his chest. The warmth of Richard's arms wrapped tightly around her made her heart pound and a feeling of absolute happiness swim in the pit of her stomach.

He moved to readjust himself, and leaned back against with his head on a throw pillow and his eyes glued to the television. Winter had chosen the movie, it had been one of her all time favorites, Pride and Prejudice. It was going to be a night dedicated to Jane Austen and she was grateful Richard did not care, or at least he didn't mind it.

"What next?" He murmured into her hair just as the credits began to roll. She felt his lips pressing to her scalp and then he moved to look at her face.

"Austenland," she said, looking up at him with a huge grin plastered all over her face. "My absolute favorite favoritttee movie of all time. And that's saying something because I have a lot of favorite movies."

"I know," he squeezed her tightly, "we've been watching them all."

She giggled softly and snuggled closer to his chest, "Don't worry, next movie night it will be all your favorites."

"Oh, I do have many."

"And I am ecstatic to watch them all," she replied, her eyes drifting up to meet him.

"Are you?" He enquired, his eyebrow raising in a quizzical manner.

"I am!" She laughed, smacking him lightly on the chest. "Of course I am, they're your favorite movies. Something you love and are willing to share with me. I'd love to watch them with you."

"Even if they may bore you?" He ran a hand through her hair.

"Even if they bore me," she said, taking notice of his blue eyes wandering to her lips. A smile twisted them upward causing his eyes to meet her gaze, his own lips curved upward at the sight of her smiling knowingly at him. "Go ahead."

Richard didn't need to be told twice. His hand had been cradling her head, waiting for the perfect moment to pull their heads together so that their lips could meet for the hundredth time that night.

winterberks_ • Richard MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now