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Voices cried out to her, calling for her attention. Cameras clicked away in her face. In her hand, she held the hand of another, Alexander Varg, the baby brother of her former co-star. Only a month ago they had started dating, something she knew would have been a bad idea from the start. But how else could you mend a broken heart?

"Winter! Winter!" Voices cried out, louder than before.

"Babe, smile," came Alexander's silky voice in her ear, encouraging her to look happy for the cameras. But she wasn't happy. She didn't feel happy. She felt the complete opposite.

His hand slipped around her waist, pulling her close to him, trapping her in. It was no use running anyway, the paparazzi surrounded her.

She hated it with a passion, being followed everywhere she went with Alex. Things had been different with Richard. Well of course they had, she hadn't been an actress then. Even still, paparazzi never hounded them like they did her and Alex.

"I'm not feeling so good," she told Alex. "I think I'm going to go grab a drink from that cafe there and sit down inside."

"Wait, just a few more pictures. For the fans."

"Alex," Winter closed her eyes and rubbed her head. She suddenly wasn't feeling too hot. She swayed sideways, bumping into Alex who saw it as her way of cozying up to him.

She was more than happy when Alex finally lead her to the cafe and sat her down outside the front. She was not happy about the paparazzi still documenting their every move. All she wanted was a break and a nice cold passion tea, and her friends.

Alex disappeared inside to place their order. Winter ignored the bombarding of questions and pulled out her phone.


I feel sick to my stomach.

Lemon 👑
Help is on the way 😊

Thank you 💕

Winter placed her phone down and ran her fingers through her hair. She looked up to find Alex coming back with two mugs of coffee and a tray of food.

"I'm going to the bathroom," she stood up too quickly. She tried to sit back down in time, however she miscalculated where her chair had been.

"Trust fall!" A familiar voice said into her ear as they wrapped their arms around her and carefully moved her into her chair.

"Sophie wasn't joking," she even recognized that deep voice. This time she had to look up. "It's just me and Em." he said with a sad smile.

"She tried to get Rich, but Kit and I were closer," Emilia whispered, "Come on, let's get you home."

"Wait, where are you going?" Winter nearly forgotten about Alex. Between nearly blacking out and the arrival of Kit and Emilia, she was convinced he wasn't even with her. "No way! You're Jon Snow! Huuggge fan, man! Can I get an autograph? Better yet, let's take a picture together!"

"Another time, perhaps," Kit pulled Winter to her feet, his arm snaking around her waist.

"Sorry for stealing her away," Emilia smiled and waved at Alex, "we just missed her sooo much!"

"Thank you," Winter crawled onto her bed and laid on top of the covers.

"Winnie, maybe we should've taken you to a hospital instead, you don't look to good."

"I don't feel good either," she rolled onto her back and then she sat up, eyes wide open, "My phone!"

A smile appeared on Emilia's face as she held up a white phone and waved it back and forth, "I knew you would need it." She tossed the phone onto the bed and then turned to Kit, "I'll go get something for us to eat, see what she had to drink and text me if we need anything else... or if that guy shows up."

"Will do," he replied and then looked back at Winter. "Are you sure you don't want to take her to a hospital?"

"I think she's had enough for today," Emilia followed his gaze, "if she gets worse we can take her, for now let's just see if it's what I think it is. I'll be back."

Emilia left the apartment, leaving Kit to look after Winter. After assuring him that she was okay, Kit left the bedroom and went to check for what she had to drink.

Winter fell back against her pillows, phone in hand.

Madden 🐺👑

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Madden 🐺👑

Did Kit and Emilia get to you alright?
Do you still need someone to come get you?
Is everything alright?

They got there in time.
And yes, I believe everything is alright. Thank you for your concern.

I'll text Sophie and Mace for you. Get some rest and let us know if you need anything.

Kit is here
And Em went to get food.
If you don't hear from me, just text them



Me wittle babies are friends again 😍

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